Chapter 2- house cuddles

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Hey Angels, l left you on a cliff hanger didn't l well l guess you have to wait till the next chapter. at a point, l stopped writing and gave up because l thought it was useless but bounced right back up thanks to you guys! please vote, comment and follow to let me know what you think. thanks, you do you boo. byeeeeee Angles


He..he just left without saying anything, not even a goodbye.. wow Adam Lee but l just shook that thought right out of my head and went home, didn't even care if a skipped school or anything because I really need some time off. I got home and reached the doorknob but it wouldn't open. It was locked. Ugh. I walked here and I didn't take my car, I'm so stupid I realized my bag, keys, and homework is still in my damn locker. Now I have to wait out here until my mother comes and unlocks the house. After a few minutes, a motorcycle pulled up next to me. It seemed very familiar but couldn't see who it was because they were wearing a stupid helmet! Just like that, they got off the motorcycle and took their helmet off, I knew it was a boy cause of their short brown slickly hair. I kept thinking who it might be who would come to my house in the middle of the day when they're supposed to be in school? Adam Lee, he was the only person who would do that and I was right I could see his face more clearly now. Within a blink of eye, he was right in front of me. He didn't say anything he just grabbed my face a kissed me. My lips melted softly into his but he pulled away after 5 seconds. My mind was filled with question. Why? Just why would he do that? But my thoughts got interrupted with his husky voice

"You forgot your things at school so I figured I should give it back" he handed me my things as I accidentally touched his soft hand. I could feel my cheeks burning

"Y-yea thanks"

And just like that he gave me to peck on the lips and left leaving me dumbfounded. Wow, that boy really has some tricks up his sleeve but no, I can't fall for him, not for a player. I got my keys and unlocked the house, went up the stairs and into my room. I flopped on my bed and fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later to my phone buzzing. I had a billion messages from Lexi and Jayden so I texted them back. Jayden sent me more texts so I replied to her first

I text Lexi first.

" Hey! Where r ya? Everyone is worried "

" Hello, Ana! Juliana answer your phone right now "

" Hi Lexi, I'm fine don't worry about me "

" Oh thank god, you almost gave me a heart attack. But I'm sorry I can't come to the mall with you and Jayden because I'm hanging out with Elie "

" Ugh, that b I thought you hated her! "

" l do but we just have to talk "

" k Bye xx "

" Bye xx "

Ugh, I legit thought Lexi hated that Elie girl. She is such a show-off it kills me seeing her. A tap from came from my window so I got my lazy ass up and checked it. I opened it and all I see is Adam hanging there

"what in the world "

" uhm hi there, fancy getting me on my feet?"

" Um sure "

No, not really l was legitimately dumbfounded over, why this dork is here? I grabbed his hand and pulled him up and let me tell you, boyyy was he heavy. Anyhow l just stood there watching him get up look around my huge girly room, this dork can't even help being away from me for at least a day ha-ha l feel special no, I actually feel quite creeped out.

" Umm what the ef are you doing here dork-face"

" Why, did you miss me princess " l do not understand him or any other boy one minute there all tensed up then there all happy jumping around like a 4-year-old. Damn, how do mothers deal with boys, l feel bad for them?

" Actually it's the other way around. You wouldn't be here if you couldn't go a second without seeing my perfect face."

" I guess you're smart now, you got that all correct." I locked eyes with him. The tension was building up in here as he began walking closer to me and l walked backward until my back crashed into the wall. He put both hands on both sides of the wall near my head. He leaned closer to my neck and at this point I could feel his hot breath on me, his body laying on me ugh l wish l could like him. Keywork could.

" Baby l know you hate me but soon enough after this you won't" he whispered into my ear then slowly going down to my collar bone and kissing it then trailing up to my neck. Man, he has an effect on me. l took a minute to realize what was happing so l quickly push him off.

" Ugh stop u legit hated me a second ago now your all on me. Get out!"

" Listen, babe can l stay here for the night I've got uhm things going on at home"

" Ugh whatever just sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the couch"

" No, no, no u can go sleep on the bed I'll sleep on the couch more like a mini bed orrr do you want to share"

" Share? With you? Are you dreaming?" but as my luck lighting struck near my house.

" he he never mind let's just share but keep your d**k in your pants"

" Sure will babe"

I roll my eyes. I head over to my closet to change into pj's basic booty shorts and a crop top. I get out and walk over to my bed and see Adam top-less all snuggled up in MY bed. Who does he think he is just doing what he likes. I attempted to walk to the couch but he grabbed my hands not that tightly and pulled me into the bed with him. Then...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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