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A/N: TADA!! An update for today! I hope everyone is having a great day/night and thank you all for the reads and votes! It really means a lot!

Requested by: lionessbabygirl, I'm sorry it took so long and I hope you like it!

You are one of the actresses that had gotten the role in one of Netflix's series, On My Block where you played Cesar's cousin, the exact opposite of Cesar. Your character was quiet in nature and had a tendency to stutter, a lot. The only exception being your family as you were used to talking to them. 

Your character was friends with Monse and always loved to tease Cesar about having a crush on her, even after they started dating in the series.

Now as On My Block was a pretty famous series there were a lot interviews that you had to attend, both alone and or with another cast mate, usually Diego Tinoco, who played Cesar.

The reason you had started acting was because you really really wanted to meet Aidan Gallagher. I know, I know, he's hot, but that's not all.

He just has it all, he has such a great personality and cares so much for the Earth it's just amazing. The fact that you watched him when he was in Nicky Dicky Ricky and Dawn was an amazing experience for you as Nicky was one of the most hilarious characters you had ever seen and you wanted to be just like him.

He was your muse, in a way, he guided you to where you had to go and that was a role in On My Block.

Today was just like any other day, you were getting interviews and multiple interviewers asked you various types of questions.

"Who is most likely to forget their lines?" One of them asked as you thought for a moment:

"I think this could be said for the entire cast that we all suck at learning lines." You joked as they laughed.

"What was it like to be Cesar's cousin?" Another asked as you laughed.

"It's. Different. I have a cousin that acts just like Cesar, but a lot less, wild. So I just enhanced the relationship I had with my actual cousin to Cesar. But in real life Diego is amazing. He's always there for me and treats me like his little sister, he's the best and so are the rest."

Interview after interview came by and asked you questions until finally, the last interviewer showed up, smiling widely as you greeted her.


"Hi! It's very nice to meet you."

"I heard that you were a fan of Aidan Gallagher." The interviewer said as you blushed before chuckling nervously.

"I mean. What's there not to like? He's charming. Sweet. Smart. Caring. And wait, why are you smiling so widely?" You asked confused as the interviewer pointed behind you as you raised your eyes but turned around to find a face you'd never thought you'd see.

Aidan Gallagher.

Your freaking idol!

You silently gasped as Aidan smiled at you before you quickly regained your consciousness, standing up and hugging him.

Aidan chuckled before wrapping his arms around your waist, your head on his shoulder as you hugged.

"I'm glad that you think of me that way (Y/N)." He smiled and you thought that you would faint right there and then. Aidan Gallagher, was hugging you, if you weren't pretty freaked out by the fact that he was here, the hug would've felt nice, but you felt numb everywhere, nothing felt the same, but it's not like it's a bad thing, in fact, you enjoyed it, a lot. 

"What is happening?" You asked still shocked as Aidan still had his arm around you.

"Well, Your cast mates thought it'd be a good idea to finally make your dreams come true and make them come true they did." She giggled as you scoffed in disbelief which had caused Aidan to chuckle.

"I swear when I meet them I'm gonna kill them all." You mumbled as you kept on hugging him, not wanting to let go.

"Was that all for today?" You asked finally getting out of your zone and coming back to reality.

"Yup. You can go now." She smiled as you thanked her and Aidan brought you back to your car, the driver waiting in the front, Aidan stating how he wanted to spend time with you.

"You sure you aren't just doing this cause my cast mates asked you to?" You asked as Aidan smiled and shook his head.

"I was interested in you. Your performance in On My Block was amazing. The way that you could perform so many different kinds of emotions at once is amazing." He stated as you smiled, blushing at the compliment.

"Well that's odd because the reason I started acting was because you inspired me. I love Nicky, Dicky, Ricky and Dawn and Nicky was just amazing." You confessed as Aidan just chuckled, kissing your forehead causing you to blush once more. 

"You good with (favourite food) right about now?" 

"Sure! I lo-" 

"I know how you love (favourite food)." 

"How did you-"

"I have my connections." Aidan smirked and with that the two of you settled on buying (favourite food) before driving you back home.


"Hey Aidan." 


"When are you leaving?" You asked as he looked at your clock to see that it was past midnight. 

"I was thinking of staying over. If that's fine with you?" He asked as you quickly nodded, showing him the spare bedroom right beside yours. 

"Thanks (Y/N)." 

"No worries." You mumbled nervously before awkwardly waving him goodnight, running back into your room and slamming the door loudly. 

Outside, you could hear Aidan chuckling before footsteps retreated and you could hear the door to the room next to yours close, signalling that Aidan had gone in. 

-with Aidan-

As you walked in, he chuckled to himself, Aidan loving how quirky and awkward you was. 

(Y/N) (L/N) was something special alright. 

"God do I love her." He mumbled to myself before walking back into the spare room and sleeping as it was already late. 

Aidan Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now