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A/N: Hello! As I haven't updated here for quite a while, here is today's update! I hope you like it!

Requested by: kendallfromtheglade, I'm sorry it took a long time and I hope you like it!

You had sent in pictures to audition for the newest Netflix series, The Umbrella Academy as you had discovered that your favourite band, My Chemical Romance's lead singer, Gerard Way had announced that he was opening auditions for the series. 

To your surprise, you had gotten the role of Number 8. A very intelligent girl who had the ability to morph her body into any kind of substance.

You were ecstatic and when you found out who got the other roles, you did your research, you wanted to be prepared when you met them.

When it was finally time, you had flown all the way to LA to properly meet the entire cast. Going into the building, your hands fidgeting the entire way, you were soon stopped by the man who was leading to you as he opened the door.

When the door opened, the two of you walked in, the man more confident than you as you stood strong.

"Hello." You mumbled as the other members of the cast looked at you.

"Hey! You must be (Y/N) (L/N)? Right?" A well known boy also known as Aidan Gallagher asked as you nodded.

"Nice to meet you! I'm-"


"Yeah." The black haired boy trailed off confused.

"Well you might know him but you don't know m-"


"How th-"

"Eden. TJ. Ethan. Cameron. Yeah. I know."

"Damn girl. Are you a wizard or something?" Blake asked shocked as you just shrugged, Blake's arm wrapping around your shoulder as he laughed.

"She's a special one ain't she?" He asked as Dante nodded.

Aidan quickly coughed before walking over to the two of you, moving Blake's arm away from you, him now standing between the two of you as a shield.

"What's wrong Aidan?" Eden asked as she and TJ looked confused.

"Nothing. But don't you guys think that it's time to meet Gerard Way? For some you know? Briefing of some sort?" He asked as he took your hand and dragged you away from the group, the rest following behind.

Sooner or later, the younger cast of the Umbrella Academy had bonded and now you were close with every single one of them, but mostly with Blake and Aidan, they were the most relatable.

This had been another day for all of you and once you finished filming your scenes you had decided to get some ice cream, Blake opting to go with you as he too was craving some.

What you didn't know was that Aidan had followed the two of you, seemingly very noticeable as he was wearing one of the jackets you had brought for him.

Blake has been the first to spot him, quietly motioning to you as he munched in his ice cream. You turned to where he had pointed and saw that Aidan was in fact, there, trying to hide himself from the two of you.

You rolled your eyes and excused yourself from the table, walking towards a very nervous looking Aidan.

You walked towards him and looked at him, Aidan subtly trying to ignore you or look as if he hadn't noticed you:

"(Y/N)! You're here? What a coincidence-"

"Cut to the chase, what are you doing here?" You asked as Aidan just shrugged, you, now more concerned, took a seat in front of him.

"Aidan what's wrong?" You asked as Aidan just crossed his arms and leaned away from you.

Now this was quite normal for you as this was a sign that jealous Aidan had appeared.

You have had your encounters with jealous Aidan, mostly hilarious encounters but this time, he had seemed serious.


"I saw you."


"With Blake."

"Yeah cause he's my friend."

"I'm your friend too!"

"I literally saw you before we left."

"Yeah but you could've invited me."

"You told me you didn't want to go?"

"I didn't!"


"It's just. Blake went with you."

"Yes. Yes he did."

"I just felt-"


"No! Left out."

"Right, so jealous." You pointed out as Aidan playfully glared at you but nodded, admitting that he was indeed jealous.


"I like you. Okay (Y/N)."


"I like you. A lot actually. Ever since you first came."


"And I know you can't really love me back but I thought-"

"Aidan stop." You ordered covering his mouth as you sighed.

"Look. I kinda like you too." You continued as you saw Aidan's eyes widened.

He quickly licked your hands which made you recoil in disgust as you took back your hands, his mouth now free.


"Yes." You stated as you rubbed your now covered saliva hands onto the table cloth. 

Aidan smile widened once more and he hugged you as best as he could, Blake watching the entire situation with a smile as he tried to sustain his laughter.

Aidan Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now