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Hello fellow readers and writers! I am very glad you clicked on this author's note because it is very important regarding the following short anecdotes.

I hope you all understand that these are works of FICTION and that the real life people who resemble these characters should not be associated with those people. And I can't pressure that enough. Even though I still am a shipper, I do not try to force the people mentioned together. It's wrong and completely rude to the real life people. Some people still do and it bothers me. I am super glad I have come to accept the fact that these people will never be together and that it is completely okay to ship them! And I hope you do too, please and thanks. :)

Another note: all of these stories take place in one big, and currently unending, universe. The story of that universe is very complicated and complex so please. Enjoy these stories. And, not to mention, some of these stories may be from the same universe, but they may not align with the universe's current timeline word for word. All of the following stories have happened or have been planned/assumed to happen in the future. 

Thank you so much for reading! Make sure to vote and comment on each part!

With love, The Author

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