E-ezreal..? (Ch. 2)

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Lux's POV

Finally, after a walk to school we finally made it. It was 8:00 AM. Just in time. As we each enter the school, the bell rung. It was the tardy bell, when school was just starting, but not classes. I waved goodbye to Janna, Lulu, and Poppy, as they were going to their home room class. My home room is shared with Jinx. Jinx didn't even say a proper goodbye to them, she just went "Bye!" And rushed away. I followed her while speed walking, a few teachers tried to stop her from running but, of course, they didn't stop her.

As I finally entered the class, the bell rung, now this is the tardy bell for homeroom. "Just in time Lux, good job." Said the teacher, Ms. Raven. I nodded with a smile and walked to the desk next to Jinx. I look around the class. In homeroom all you really do is just hang out, I have no idea why it's a thing. Probably to let us get our energy out and not bother the teachers much, I don't know.

I look at the front of the class and I see the "cool kids". Ahri, Miss Fortune, and two other girls. One with white hair and green clothing, and the other with violet hair and pink clothing. They were probably talking about what they wanna do after school and such. I sigh and look over at Jinx, looking at me with her eyebrows raised and a smirk. "What?" I say in confusion. "Your staring at them again" she said pointing at Ahri and her friends. I quickly move her finger down. "Don't point! They'll know we're talking about them!" If they find out me and Jinx are talking about them, they probably will think I'm a rude person, and I don't want that.

Jinx looks up at me laughing a bit "Haha. Your reactions are always so hilarious!" She laughs. I groan at her with a annoyed look. Jinx looks up at me, holding her laughter, and then lets it out again. This is what I gotta deal with every. Single. Day. But without Jinx, my life would be boring so, she isn't that bad! Soon enough, I also began to laugh with her.

Some time passed by and finally, the bell rung. I got up, grabbing my backpack and starting to walk off, next to Jinx. Jinx was rambling on how one time she 'accidentally' blasted a whole building in one whole. As we were walking down the halls, people were starting to get out of class and walking around as well. I even saw familiar faces like Janna, Poppy, and Lulu. My next class was my math class. As I was walking there, I saw another familiar face walking inside the class. His blond-blue electric hair could be noticeable a mile away. Ezreal. Jinx saw him walking in and stopped me from walking "no flirting, alright?" I freeze and blush as she said this and walked off laughing. Whaaaat?! Flirting?? No way!! Ezreal doesn't even like me- and I don't like him! Ugh..

As I walk inside the class I immediately see Ezreal next to my desk talking to a boy next to him. I sat next to him in my desk. Ezreal is the only person I know in this class ... pretty weird and awkward honestly.

Time passed by and now the class was assigned to work on a assignment alone, or with a partner. I always worked alone since I thought it would be much faster for me. As I was taking out pencil, I soon hear a boy's voice yell "I call Lux!" I quickly turn around to see who it was.
It was Ezreal. Why does he want to work with me?!

Me and Ezreal make eye contact and I feel my cheeks burning so I turn away. I hear his desk scooting over to mine, I look over and see our desks connected. I look up and make eye contacts, once again, to the blonde boy. I blush and I make it go away. "Is that okay? If, you know, i work with you on this?" Ezreal said with a smile. I nod with a tiny smile "i-it's fine" and so, we started our assignment.

For the past 5 minutes nothing special has happened. We were working on our assignment and taking turns to read the passage. Until.. "And so, it is clarified that the bark of trees are-"  I was interrupted, by something touching my hand.. I look up and see Ezreal looking right at me and his hand on mine. I blushed and my eyes widen. "Wow lux.." he said with his voice so smooth. What is happening?? Ahh!! I feel the heat in my cheeks, I'm 100% sure I am as red as a tomato. "Your eyes really do sparkle like starlight".

This comment made me go crazy. What did he just say?? Oh my god! "Th-thank you.." I blush and look into his eyes. He blushes a bit as well. "E-Ezreal..?" I say a bit nervously. He smiles at me "Lux.. you know.. I-" before he could finish, the bell rings. Wow. What perfect timing. "Alright! Class is over. You'll have to finish this tomorrow." Said the teacher. I look at Ezreal, his hand still on mine and he is looking at the teacher. I want him to finish but I don't want to be rude. He turns back around, he has his eyebrows raised and a smirk "as I was saying-" he said before he got interrupted. Again. "LUX!!!!!". Said a voice that was yelling my name out. I knew exactly who it was. Jinx.

I look at her with a look that says "right now isnt the time" but I'm sure she didn't understand since she walked over here. She moved Ezreal's hand off "I literally said no flirting! Yet, you are!" I blush. "I- uh-" before I could say a excuse she grabs my arm and pulls it. Dragging me out the door. I turn back around and see Jinx look back at Ezreal with a glare. She turns back around and pulls me with her. As she was doing this.. I wonder what Ezreal wanted to say..

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