My Own Prison

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I feel trapped
In a cell of my my own creation
There are days when I feel a bit lighter
And the walls cease to constrict
But most of all they shrink and draw near
Closer and closer until my lungs can no longer expand
And I choke
Until I am near falling into blackness
But then they ebb away slowly
And I can fall to my knees

It is then
After the feeling of near death
That a key appears in my hand
To escape
And be free
But when I go to turn it and release myself
My hand shakes
My lip quivers
And I can never do it

But my chest is heavy
My shoulders grow weary
And my eyes are near swollen shut
Though I still have a heart
I fear it is nearly frozen
And a key has appeared again
To be my anchor
Holding me down with my deepest regret

This time my hand holds steady
My eyes do not well with tears
And my legs stay rigid
But guilt blooms in my heart and flows in my blood
It moves within my body
Poisoning me from the inside out
And when it reaches my fingertips
It oozes from my pores
Like acid it bubbles and smokes
Until my key
The last thing I had to hold onto
Is nothing but a hunk of metal
That can no longer give me what I need

It is now I know
I am truly trapped
And I will die here.
Because of

A Series Of Bullshit Poems From My Marijuana Smoke Hazed MindWhere stories live. Discover now