Derek Time

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A/n: This is like a three month time jump from the last time :)
For the first time in a long time, Derek was finally able to have some Derek time. He had thought he was going to get constant alone time once Monroe was defeated but boy was he wrong. He was constantly bugged by the pack as they always wanted to do pack outings. Even after Braeden gave birth to their baby, Talia, he hadn’t been able to have some alone time. He was, how Stiles puts it, a stay at home mom. Fortunately for him, he has the greatest wife in the world. Braeden decided to take their three year old for a night out to let Derek finally have a relaxing day to himself. Considering that Scott and Stiles were dealing with 4 months pregnant Lydia and Malia, they’d be too busy to bug him.

Derek put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and went to look for his Lion King dvd. As he searched for the dvd in his bedroom, his front door opened wide and Liam walked in. Derek walked out of his bedroom, Lion King in his hand and stopped mid walk when he saw Liam lay down on his couch. Derek stared at Liam with confusion and walked up to him.

“ What are you doing here?” Derek asked as he stared down at Liam. Liam looked up at Derek with a pout.

“ Do you think I should start dating again?” Derek furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head.

“ What?” Liam got up from the couch and into the kitchen.

“ I mean, it’s been a while since I’ve had a girlfriend, right?” Derek stared at Liam in annoyance as he grabbed his popcorn from the microwave and began to eat it.

“ How did you even get in here?” Derek asked as he walked over to Liam and took the popcorn out of his hand. Liam took another handful of the popcorn.

“ Braeden gave me a key.” Derek sighed. Liam looked at Derek desperately.

“ Well? Should I?” Derek nodded and slowly began to push Liam towards the door.

“ Yup.” Liam stopped and turned to look at Derek.

“ Wait really?” Derek rolled his eyes. He thought he wasn’t going to have to deal with this stuff today.

“Yes really. Everyone that you know is in a relationship.” Liam shook his head.

“Not everyone, Theo isn’t.” Derek sighed in annoyance.

“Then why don’t you go bug him about being single.” Liam scoffed.

“ Because he’s Theo.” Liam walked past Derek and sat on his couch. “What should I do then?” Derek shrugged and walked over to Liam.

“ Go to a bar and meet people.” Liam shook his head.

“ When people do that, that usually means they want to have a one night stand, not a whole relationship.” Derek slightly nodded his head. Liam grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V. Derek rolled his eyes.

“ No offence, but why did you come to me?” Liam shrugged.

“ Mason and Corey are on a date. Scott and Stiles are dealing with pregnant wives.” Liam turned towards Derek. “Trust me, you do not want to deal with those girls.” Derek silently agreed, remembering how Braeden was like during her pregnancy. “ I remember Corey saying that Braeden was going out tonight and I knew you weren’t going to be doing anything so.” Derek was annoyed.

“ Actually, I was doing something.” Liam looked around the room.
    “ Didn’t seem like it.” Liam turned to look at Derek. “ What about Hayden?” Derek looked at Liam confused.

“ What about her?” Liam looked at Derek as if he’s weird.

“ She’s like the only girl I’ve ever been with. And if I’m being honest, I still having feelings for her.” Derek rolled his eyes.

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