Random Shit About Me

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Hiiiii! I'm the idiot mentioned in the story description. Since I literally ain't got no friends on this app...I don't know who I'm talking to. But as awkward as I am I actually really love talking to and meeting new people. I love drawing, reading, dancing even though I can't, singing, writing, theater, video games and sneakers.

The whole point of this book is to basically share my life and feelings and allat with people anonymously. My random ass sketches? I'll drop those babies here. My deep soul embracing poems? I'll copy and paste those bad boys right in this book. Random things I feel like sharing? Hey, here ya'll go. Questions the two people who might actually be reading this book have for me? You know where they go. I'm just tryna make some connections ya know? Maybe even little annoying diary entries every once in a while until you guys get sick of me. LONG rants about the pure foolishness my boyfriend utters from his mouth. Y'all I swear he so lucky he cute. But there are no limits here. I stay anonymous so that means I can tell you everything.

And maybe, just maybe, you, a stranger, will be the first to actually listen.

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