August 21, 2019

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Y'all I can't believe summer is really like almost over. I'm really going back to my bum ass school and I CAN'T. I'm an only child so sometimes I be talking to myself or whatever and since ain't nobody read my book yet this is kinda like talking to myself so...

You know sometimes I be cracking myself tf UP in my mind. Literally I'm so funny it's not even okay. I'm a TRIP. I'm a Pisces too btw. Art hoes like myself do the most.

I would say I'm kinda extra. No... I know I'm kinda extra. But I mean who doesn't love a little extra every once in a while you know? Idk if I mentioned this before but I'm black. Jamaican AND Bajan bitch. Or Barbadian for the lames who wanna call us that. I had no reason to tell y'all that but why not.

I love talking about my manssss bro on god he is so perfect. I'm like really in love with his dumb ass. I don't want y'all to know his real name so were gonna call him Zay. That's his nickname. He has a big head but he is still so FOINE y'all. And girls be looking at him a little too hard sometimes you know? But you guys are going to LAUGH when you hear this right. My parents DO NOT LIKE OUR RELATIONSHIP. We haven't gone on an official first date yet😬. But we've been dating for like over a year lol. And I may or may not have snuck him into my house once or twice or 10 times😬. And we may or may not have gotten caught twice out of those ten times.😬 And we may or may not still have plans on doing it again.😬 Our relationship is such a mess lol.

But hey I'll keep it real with y'all. Teenagers do. Not. Think. I thought I'd be one of those smart teens who never got into any trouble and had a group of normal ass friends. NOPE bitch. SIKE bitch. HAVE A SEAT bitch. That's what life told me the second my parents hauled my black ass off to boarding school. And idk if y'all know this but NEW ENGLAND IS NOT NYC. People leave their electronics sitting on a table and come back and it's still sitting there. I was ASTONISHED the first time I saw it. I've never seen this whole 'trust your environment and peers' kinda attitude anywhere in the Five Boroughs. I've even started doing it and I gotta break that habit for when I'm coming back home.🤦🏾‍♀️

Also my friend group is crazy. Like we've gotten away with a lot of dumb shit last year, and with sophomore year coming the school is literally going to blow up.

But yeah that's a little bit more about my life. I'm still technically not really talking to anybody and probably wont be for a while but it feels kinda good to just write how I feel or whatever. This'll get a lotttt more deep in the future lol. But leave ur emails or instas or discords or snaps or whatevers in the comments and we can definitely chat. Or even just hit me up in the Wattpad dms. Im just doing this because as much as I love my crazy ass friends I still want some new people and new personalities in my life ya know? If you're feeling a little lonely yourself I'm here in all my awkward bad bitch glory. Tell me your own stories in the comments too I love to hear other people's stories❤️ Don't be afraid, I don't bite TOO hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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