Chapter 13 ,The finale part one:DreamCatcher's fatal attack.

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A/N : If this was a show his would be the first part of the finale of season one which means after. I finish part two,it will be a month before season two premiere part one is out .

I was practicing my powers with Reagan,John and Sean's new ones .My pencil rolled a crossed the table and started to topple over .I levitated the the pencil and brought it back to me .I was trying to strengthen them .Reagan was turning the water all by herself as a gust of wind came through Sean transformed as flames arose from him." Ow hot hot ," I announced as I accidentally placed my hand into the flames .John turned invisible and he snuck candy for us. I was levitating my candy as my wrapper fell.All of the sudden I was levitating the candy and the wrapper.Everyone watched in awe as I placed the wrapper into the trash." Wow," Sean stated.

The next day after school we were going to John's house .We trudged along the sidewalk and knocked on the door.No one answered but I used my telekinis to unlock the door.We were calling out for John .O knew that his parent's were at work.We found our ways into the room and Reagan shouted ," John." I saw DreamCatcher hovering an unconscious body using his powers .That body was John .We raced after him but DreamCatcher disappeared .I had no idea what to do." What are we going to do," Reagan stated pacing back in forth." The beams of light ," Sean announced ." We need four people for that Sean ," I replied .After that encounter with DreamCatcher I knew something was up with someone I knew.

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