Every single experience I have had in my life, I am eternally grateful for and have no regrets.
Yes, even the worst of them.
Experiences help me grow! I love growing.
Gaining more knowledge about life and happiness is healthy for me.
I am safe.
After this day ends, I will let it end there and start tomorrow with a brand new mindset of positivity.
I am not my past.
I am here now. I am who I am right now.
I am not who I was.
I am not what I did.
I am not anything of what others think or have thought of me.
The negativity from yesterday is gone. Washed up. Faded away. No longer is it a present matter
I handle everything to the best of my ability in the present moment!
If I do become embarrassed, or regretful, these are just feelings that are not necessary! Feelings pass, but only if you let them.
I wake up every morning reset. Fresh and new. Yesterdays mistakes do not exist. I learn from them to improve and inspire my grand future!
It is important not to hold on, even though you swear it is important to cling on.
You want justice, approval, a re-do, from old, past experiences.
It is called an experience for a reason.
1. encounter or undergo (an event or occurance)An experience is nothing more than a lesson you needed to learn
That thing you regret, are embarrassed of, hate was going to happen no matter what you could have done differently.
Because you must learn until you fully understand.
No, it is not punishment! So we must stop beating ourselves up over things of the past.
We must remember they are only learning experiences and we had nothing to do with how it went about.
Everything happens for a reason.
And it happens because it is supposed to.
We only control our own actions and emotions. When we do something wrong, we need to learn from it.
Not sit in bed and wonder, "But why would this happen to me?"
It was supposed to happen. It was going go anyways.
Worry, fear, re-living the past is nothing more than digging a deeper grave for problems for yourself.
Do not complain of it. Complaining is an awful habit like biting your fingernails. You do it sometimes and dont realize the damage it can do to yourself.
It happened. So? What now?
That is a perfect way to go about it.
Asking "What now?" is a great way to focus your attention on the present. The present is where you need to be.
I have no control of the past.
I cannot re-live it.
Be THANKFUL For Even Your Past
EspiritualStruggle with "bad" thoughts of your past? Read this to discover new ways to help overcome the addiction of living in a time that no longer exists!