chapter 12: hang out

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We walked together into Macdonald's because that place is a well known place to hang around in my time. We approached the counter and I ordered what I wanted which was two double cheeseburgers with no pickles because i hate them they're yucky!, and i also ordered some medium fries and a medium coke drink. Saggitarus ordered that exact same thing as me, and I never knew she actually liked cheeseburger let alone order two.

We sat down at a table while I set down our trays and I stared to sort out our foods. "So Michael tell me something about yourself", I heard her ask while I placed my coke bottle beside me and I looked her into the eye. "Well I'd likely say that I'm an easygoing guy and I enjoy making people laugh and I love seeing others smile even if I don't feel like smiling I make sure everyone else does, so maybe that way someone else can come over and cheer me up" I replied to her question with a snicker in the end while I stared to eat my fries "now tell me something about you" "I like to active, I enjoy sports a lot even thought you might not image that here a girl loves a good game of football  but hey I do" she smiled as she ate her burger but I knew she wasn't finshed "I love to play video games too which might seem normal to a girl from a dudes point of view but to the eyes of the girls they see it as a waste of time even though I can assure you that I completely disagree and disapprove" she went on. I could already see that she was going to fit perfectly in my friends list but I didn't want her to just be my friend...I wanted that she would be something more then a day to day friend..I wanted her to be my girlfriend...and I wanted her to be mine...I hope she thinks the same way as I do.

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