chapter 9 : lunch

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"Hello Michael" she looked at me with a warm smile and I sat down beside her greeting her welcome with my own smile. "Hey Saggitarus how are you?", I asked her while I stared to eat my ham and cheese sandwich. I don't really enjoy cheese that much but my God when they're melted I'll eat the whole thing. "Oh hehe I'm fine actually, I'm also enjoying this's really friendly and nice with a warm and caring atmosphere" she went on while her food remained unnoticed and untouched. Honest to God I have no idea what she was saying there but just last week there's been an incident where one kid got bullied by one of the fith years and she just blurted out that this place has a loving atmosphere. "Ehh I don't think you sentenced that correctly Saggitarus...don't you know what happened last week?" I asked her while I stopped eatting my sandwich, my eyes now fixed into her gaze as my eyebrow raised up a tiny bit. She looked back at me with a puzzled expression painted onto her face "what happened last week?" She replied with a tone of innocence just hiding in there but I had a feeling that she knew exactly what went on last week. "Well two of the fith years cornered a defenseless kid and they forced him to give up his lunch money, and your saying that is a good atmosphere?" I raised my tone accidentally and I knew that because I could see the guilty forming in her beautiful eyee. "I'm...s-sorry I didn't know" she replied to me and I could see that she was about to cry so I did the one thing I wouldn't imagine doing...I hugged her.

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