How the World Became Shit

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Chapter One


Walking in the hallways of my own school, I felt exposed and revealing, even with the hood of my sweater that had covered my face. I guess that was how high school always felt. The people whispering around you and when you see them do, you assume that they are talking about you. Of course, you may think that throughout my four years in high school, I would get used to this but you're wrong.

The crowds of freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors become a never ending one, so I do what any usual teenager does. I put my head down and began searching for a song to listen to on my IPhone with my headphones on, that was until I bumped into something.

Rather someone.

Jason Dawson Miller, the world's Greatest Asshole in the history of the world. I think that's a long title but I'm gonna keep it short and say, well, he's an asshole. Number one on my list actually.

My folders and books had fell down, along with some papers that were taken as notes. I scrambled to pick up everything, ignoring the chuckling of him and his goons.

"Look, it's Liberty Mutual," I heard one of his friends saying to the other and they all snickered.

As I made sure everything was in place, I saw something in front of his shoe.

My phone. My eyes widened in panic and I tried to reach out for it but he bent down to pick it up before me.

Honestly, to tell you the truth, I wanted to hide in a cave and never come back out. Basically, because I never had any password, passcode, or whatever the hell you call it on my phone. I just never had the reason to have it when I hardly use my phone.

"Well, look at what we have here boys," the asshole says, as he shows his goons my silvery, gray IPhone. It wasn't really mine actually. I was given his phone, someone who had been dear to me. Someone who I hardly even talked about without feeling like this. They all cheered and I frantically began looking around to see if anyone was looking. Everyone was minding their own goddamn business, thankfully.

"Give it back, Jason" I pleaded. He never cared as I heard him turn on my phone. Every single one of his friends were gathering around him, sticking to my phone like glue as if they were watching a porn video on it.

"Dude, who is that?"

"Must be her boyfriend?"

"Nah, she doesn't have a boyfriend..."

"How the hell would you know?"

As soon as I heard that statement, I knew they were going through my gallery. They going through the pictures of him.

His name was Salute Jermaine Zaley, my oldest brother. He, like my father had died on the battlefields of Iraq. My father though had died when I was only nine years and that literally broke my heart to the point where I would never go out to play or never really ate for a day or two or a whole week. Sal and Justice, had managed to fix my broken pieces for four years.

And in those four years, my mom became a workaholic, leaving no time for her kids and Sal kept arguing with her. With him being the eldest of Justice and I, he had decided for us to live with our grandparents, dad's parents. Dad was born in a family of military veterans, which made him want to be in the military.

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