For North Korea

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"You stupid bitch, stop!" Screamed Niall as BTS member, Chingly Chong (image at top) threw a plate at him.
"You mean to tell me that you got high with your ex-bandmates when it was our anal night?" He flung another at him. Niall ducked down, shaking.
"No, Chingly! It wasn't that!"
"Oh fuck off you lying asshole!" Chingly was red-faced as his wide nostrils flared.
"It's on the fucking news!" He furiously grabbed the remote and switched the t.v on.
The reporter began:
"Last night, at BTS member Ming Mong's birthday bash, ex-boyband 1D where found with 83 grams of heroin and almost $600,000 worth of weed in their possession. Niall Horan, 25, was rushed to hospital as soon as he was found. As for Harry Styles he's been arrested for masturbating at a security guard-" Chingly switched it off.

He had his arms crossed and a stern scowl plastered on his fat, doughy face.
Niall shifted on the spot; hands in pockets.
"I'm so-"
"Save it," hissed Chingly, "you know how to pay me back," he slowly undid his belt...
"No Chingly! Not after you contracted gonorrhoea last week, please!"
He let his trousers fall to his ankles...
"Money? Is- is it money that you want? I'll give you it! Just please don't make me suck it," he begged.
He pulled down his underwear...
"Oh god no," Niall whimpered.
There Chingly stood, his huge, flaccid penis out in the open. The tip of it was covered in thick, green dick cheese. The stench filled the room. It was like rancid milk and egg mixed with Donald Trump's asshole. Niall gagged.

Then, Chingly grabbed fist fulls of Niall's hair and forced him to his knees before him. Niall's eyes where tight shut as he trembled, groaning. With force, Chingly thrusted his dick into Niall's mouth. The taste was vulgar. It was a sour, toxic taste while Chingly shoved it to the very back of Niall's burning mouth. He could feel the infected sludge at the back of his throat. With no choice other than to comply, Niall stroked Chingly's shaft gingerly with his tongue. 
Even though neither could see it, Niall's tongue turned white; covered with the infection. The green/ yellow discharge dribbled down his throat along with cum and a bit of blood. Chingly's eyes rolled to the back if his head.
"오, 예, 북한 김정일, 아빠, 아빠, 아빠, 내 페니스!" He moaned.

When the deed was done Niall ran to his corner to cradle himself in silence. Chingly Chong left the apartment so Niall was left all alone.
"It's over now...all over...." he whispered to himself.

North Korea: Kim x Harry x The brown kid x Niall x Louis x The other one. Where stories live. Discover now