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Juniper jumped at the sound of his voice, nearly choking on her drink.

"Jesus, Gray! Next time you sneak up on me like that, I'll make sure that you won't ever get the chance to ever again" she hissed giving him a death glare.

"Oh please! You wouldn't hurt a fly" Gray chuckled as he walked closer to the redheaded girl.

"We'll see about that" June grumbled, attempting to walk away from the boy who's been annoying her. But, just as she passed by him, his hand caught her wrist, pulling her to him. She gasped slighty as she stumbled into him, causing him to wrap his arms around her. Her breath hitched at the fact that their faces were now closer than ever. Despite always teasing her about these type of situations, his face reddened and attempted to say something. anything. But, as much as he tried, he couldn't bring himself to say something.

"Um — are we interrupting something?" A deep voice broke the silent causing June to break out of the moment and push away from Gray.

"W-What? No! I-I just tripped and uh..." June trailed off as Gray pulled away his eyes from her to see the others. He realized that it wasn't just Eli who was there, it was the whole group. Eloise, Charlie, Matt, and Eli had smirks plastered on their faces while Gab stood there confused.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat" June spoke walking past them towards her father who was sitting with Roger, Deaky, and Brian. As she got to them, she greeted with a small smile earning 'hi's and 'hello's from the four men. She sat on a chair beside George, not paying attention to their conversation. She looked around the room which was filled with people who were either dancing, eating, drinking, or engaged in a conversation. She had just realized how the room was beautifully decorated. She scoffed to herself. It was Matthew's 14th Birthday, after all.

Right then, she remembered his 13th birthday party (which was the biggest party she'd ever been to) and remembered him saying to her, "I'm a McCartney. And McCartney's stand by the saying 'Go big or Go home'". She shook her head at the memory, a small smile playing on her lips.

Her eyes wandered off and landed on the curly-haired boy in which she had always despised. Since that day when 11-year-old Gray had started teasing her and using his cheesy pick up lines (which he most likely learned from Roger and Paul), she had disliked Gray. Her excuse always being, "it's just annoying!", but deep down, it was because she hated the way it made her feel. It made her feel... odd, to say the least. Whenever he'd say something about them being together, her stomach would fill up with butterflies, her heart would flutter, and she would feel all lovesick. But, she didn't show that. In fact, she didn't even know she really felt that way. Instead, a scowl took over her face and a snarky remark would come out of her mouth.

She looked at him again and had found him talking to another girl. She watched as the two laughed together, a frown growing on her face. Her eyes trailed off to the girl beside Gray. She had long and beautiful long hair, was approximately the same height as him, had lively blue eyes, and June came to the conclusion that it was probably one of Matthew's family friends.

"So, Little Red," Roger broke her out of her thoughts.

"You ready for high school?"

He laughed as June gave him a disgusted look. "Come on, It's not that bad" He told her earning another two looks, this time from Brian and George.

"Look, as much as I'd love to support you on that, Rog. We all know that's one big, fat lie" Deaky said taking a sip from his drink. June sat up and sighed.

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