¥• He looks normal...But not human•¥

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3rd person pov

"It's an exiting day Thomas! You should be happier going into your first day of college!" Tom mumbles under his breath. He was twiddling his thumbs from the stress that had built up throughout the past few days. He adjusted his backpack full to the brim of notebooks he would write in. His hopes were to become a paranormal journalist so the notebooks were his essential for him. He had stared at his hands, not realising he had walked passed his destinations enterance . He awkwardly turned around,calling himself an idiot under his breath.

He got into the school on time then sat down for his first lesson. He felt people's eyes stare at him like daggers piercing through him as he was later than everyone else, including the teacher. He sat down in the only available seat next to a chocolate brown haired chubby kid. He wore a green hoodie with something red and shiny sticking out of the pocket (its coke you pervs.) Though it was the first day of the semester the professor announced a partnered project. It was to be about a person in history who they felt was important. He assigned the pairings with ease because of the 4 person desks. The two towards the right would be grouped as would the left side. This was pretty exciting to Tom because I had only long distance friends from when I had moved from Manchester to London to come to Lakewood University. It was a prestigious school that had been highly rated with many people becoming famous with the chosen careers. Tom had thought about his aspirations of becoming the best paranormal writer and earning an award. He was lost in the Fantasy, staring at the ceiling dreamily. He was then jolted up from his daydream when he felt someone gently poking him back to reality. "Hey. hEYYY!! Oops sorry you looked like you were dozing off but I guess we're partners!" The chunky (I LIKE EM BIG I LIKE EM CHUNKY. Ok this is the first and last joke I will ever make.) hazel eyed boy spoke with a slight chuckle. Tom fumbled his words "huh? Ooh Y-yeah I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck and darted his eyes. "Well my name is Edd." He flashed a toothy grin and waited patiently for a reply. "Tom." The black eyed teen responded. They had time to know each other a little before they had been given a little time before they'd start the assessment.They exchanged numbers in order to make arrangements to work on the project before the familiar ringing of a bell started.

~Time skip to some time where it's dark. (idk Tom decided to leave the morning and go at whatever the fek tiem. What I'm trying to say is it's fekin late.) ~

Tommo boi Pov

I felt the sigh of relief flow out from my exasperated lungs. I stared from the school exit while wrapping my baby blue scarf around my neck. It's UK winter right now do you expect me to get a fucking cold? I then had to wipe my glasses because of the fog that had clouded it from the mixing temperatures. I was finally ready to leave looking presentable. I felt on edge as I walked out of the gates. This was normal because I hadn't taken my anxiety meds this morning. But something just felt... Off. My nervous habits were at its peak as the paranoia set in. It probably is some druggie tbh (No that's tor- I said too much). After about 10 minutes of walking through the town, I felt the anxiety fade slowly but the unease I felt still remained at the back of my mind into my mind. I carefully placed my airpods (I'm sorry I like meems) into my ears and hummed the tune softly as I walked. I caught a glimpse of the sun almost set and quickened my pace. Many deaths had been caused by unexplained circumstances, all of which happened when it was darkest. The majority contained young women or men between the ages of 16-30 having all of their blood drained from their body. All the police had to go off was two small holes. I considered writing an article but the evidence wasn't in masses to create an entire page on. It doesn't help that the media attention is little to none. I had snapped out of my thoughts by a harsh shove. I was thrown down into an ally way that lead to nowhere. My eyes began to well up with tears while my attacker was shaded by the buildings that worked in the stalkers favour to trap me. I pushed myself backward to the ally's back wall to push myself to stand. My knees tried to steady themselves from shaking. I was too concerned with an escape plan to see him slam his hand directly next to my head. "And where do you think you're going?" Although it was dark, I could see him hungrily lick his lips after he spoke with a heavy accent. I kept my eyes down. I didn't want to look. I didn't have to look. I didn't want to see the crimson glowing eyes I expected to be staring back at me. Although I had to as he started forcefully lifting my head up on an angle. If I had worn a shirt that exposed my neck I wouldn't have had enough time to remember something I had done rather recently.

I scrolled though the articles that flooded in this past month. Murder victims had spiked in London, specifically near my area. The targets varied greatly and rarely had any connection to each other. Despite this the way they died stayed exactly the same. Two incisions had been pierced in the best places to get blood on the necks of them. Police have come to the conclusion of black market organ/blood trafficking and that the holes were made with two needles to stage a vampire fright. I knew that this was bullshit. The local police had always grasped at straws and come up with nonsensical conclusions in order not to cause panic in the area. It wasn't too late so I put on a warm coat with gloves and a scarf and went to my local park. I tried to be quick but I'm not the most athletic or fast person. I searched around for a little while before settling on a stick I'd just found. I again, rushed home and began my plan...


I muster all the strength I had left. I pushed my hands on his chest causing him to stumble and trip. I fumbled with my bag zip and pulled out a wooden object.(it's not a wooden dildo I stg-) I tossed my bag aside and pointed the stick outward and aimed it at my assailants. Though my hands shook and my voice was shaky I spoke "D-don't come any closer!"

"And what are you gonna do with that thing? Throw it at me?" He spoke with such confidence only to come closer and see the sharp pointed edge. I've got him now. To my surprise he came closer and closer. I kept my tight grip of my DIY stake. Now he had gone too far. I closed my eyes and blindly jabbed the stick when a groan of pain followed. He stood there gripping his arm and stumbling backwards. I heard a groan then a thud followed. I felt an instant pang of regret throughout my body. His buddy, or what I assumed was his friend I expect to attack but he was surprisingly oblivious. "Todd? Did you fall asleep again?" Asked the other guy there. At this time I had gotten to see the features of his bimbo accomplice. He was extremely fair with effortlessly yet perfectly styled hair. (I swear it isn't TomMatt I don't really like that ship anyways. Sorry TomMatt people.) He stared at me innocently while kneeling beside the guy I'd jus- HOLY FUCK I JUST STABBED SOMEONE. I ran over to check if he was ok. I was about to check his breathing before I remembered. He's a vampire.

OOF that took a lot of work. I'm creatively exhausted but I'll get the next chapter out as soon as I can. Also poor Tord except he would've killed Tom. Oh well. If it's terrible tell me but for now I hope you like this book and bye.

Word count - 1436(proud of that)

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