The first steps in a new quest

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(Patapons or mlp doesn't blong to me)

Earthend: after a few hunting trips the patapons were finally ready to reach the new land but there was one problem. A giant wall between them and the other world.

"O' mighty can you hear me? The patapons need your help to reach their destiny, they need a miracle To break this wall..."

Then the bear of the earth started its tune and the mighty patapon hit the drum to the beat.


And as the drums were struck the wall began to crack...


Then suddenly the wall burst, or at least a large hole was made in it.

"Great! Now continue on and start a new legend that will last for generations to come!"

At first glance it look like a continuation on earthend but upon closer inspection one can see the differences. First of all the whole place was a empty field of grass with trees and mountain in the distance as well as a castle on the side of the mountain. If one was to look far enough they could see a small village in the distance.

The small army was ready to go with hatapon in the middle like always, and a convoy of supplies to set up a new home.

"Let's get going!


And they were off...

Sweet apple acres: applejack was working in the barn putting away some freshly bucked apples when she heard a sound from outside


"What in tarnation?"

Looking outside she saw a group of creatures that looked about chest height to her. They looked like eyeballs with arms and legs. They also somehow seemed to have sung along with the beat that just played, even with their lack of mouths. Each one had a weapon of some sort including swords,spears, and bows.

Then one of them in the back of the group stepped up and the music stopped. The one that walked up to her was a slightly taller one with what looked like a green dress and multicolored headdress. Unlike the rest of the creatures it didn't carry an obvious weapon but instead carried a staff. 

When it was close it made a sound, supposedly trying to communicate. But applejack couldn't understand it and decided to get fluttershy to help.  

"Uh wait right here I'll be right back."

Apparently it could understand her just fine and nodded in confirmation.

About thirty minutes later: the patapons waited patently for the equestrian local to return remembering that they had no reason to attack, besides it seemed defenseless.

While waiting they decided to set up a small party in the giant red building to celebrate what would hopefully be a new alliance

"Mighty patapon you accomplished the unthinkable and broke down the barrier at earthend. Now we've seen only A glimpse of what this place has to offer but I know that IT is here somewhere, I can feel it!"

Meden was talking to the almighty as well as praising him for all he has done for them.

"We're back to being a small force but soon we should be able To regrow mater, tree of life and continue to exspand!"

The party was like any other celebration with tree patapons on both sides of two sparing patapons using some sort of practice staffs to block and strike at one another of course neither actually hitting the other but it was tradition.

Moments later applejack was back with fluttershy in tow both astonished to see the celebration.

"When ah left them here I never would of thought that they would do this..."

Meden noticed the two horses and wanted to try and speak with them again.

Fluttershy was a little taken back by the look of the creatures after all they were large walking eyeballs.

'When applejack said walking eyes I didn't she was being so literal she thought.

But she was more interested then she was afraid to see a whole new species in Equestria or she was until the same one that approached applejack made the same sound she couldn't even distinguish.

"Um I'm sorry could you repeat that?"

Once again the same sound yet she had no idea what it was saying though from the sound she took a guess this one was a female that is if they had genders at all.

"Let me guess you can't understand them either?"

Fluttershy shook her head.

"No I'm sorry these aren't just sounds from an animal it must be there language." Fluttershy said "different language huh?" applejack said she then suddenly she had an idea "I know! Let's go see twilight I'm sure she has some sort of translation spell." Fluttershy agreed as well as Meden and they began to head out until the creatures stopped outside the door and a faint bear could be heard when suddenly a very loud...


And they started to move a few paces while singing along and the beat picking up.


Some more steps and louder singing as well more instruments joining the beat.



All the creatures shouted the word at once the one thing they could understand. They started to sing with the music rather than the beats speaking of music was its own no longer based on the beat but rather the area. This went on for the whole trib and was getting some unwanted attention...

(Authors note: yes this a another Authors story yes that another is dead this time I know it you can look your self it's on fimfiction and it was such a good story I was like I will not this story die and then bam this came out so yeah I'm adopting the story and now be the one updating it now so see you next time in a cloned chapter)

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