My opinion on the JaackMaate and ImAllexx sorta Beef.

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Sorry this is not an update I just wanted to talk about this and give my opinion, please comment (or PM me) if you wanna talk about what's going on i would love to hear someone else's opinion! This is not hate I am a massive fan of both Jack and Alex, and i will continue to watch their videos and hopefully continue this fan fiction.

Please don't be offended if you disagree, i rlly don't give a fuck but i do not intend to offend people (in conclusion it ain't that deep)

I watched most of Jacks video and I watched all of the podcast with Alex, Alfie and iNabber. I did think Alex did not express his opinions fully and did back down a lot, although i think this may be due to him not wanting to seem like a cunt or be mean to Alfie. I am disappointed in Alex and partly iNabber too because in their videos about Alfie they were extremely hard on him (Mostly Alex but iNabber too) and made some points that were pretty mean, so when they both did not stand by their arguments and could not back most of their points up it did make the commentary community out to be extremely hypocritical and as Alfie presented them during the intro to the podcast.

Onto Jack's video, I do not think Jack personally attacked Alex at all.
However, Maybe Alex felt that way (we need to remember these are people and do have feelings lol) and i think during his livestream he said he did not want Jack to post the video, which is a bit of a dick move if Jack posted it after Alex expressed his dislike of the concept. Jack did voice the thoughts of a large amount of the viewers including myself in the video and I thought Jack's points were fairly reasonable and more importantly his own opinion which Alex has stressed in the past many times about how his views are his own opinion and you should not get mad at that. Jack is allowed to have that opinion whether Alex agrees with it or not. This also paints both of them out to be extremely hypocritical as they take the piss out of this type of drama and yet here they are in the middle of it. In my opinion I think Jack had every right to post the video but should have been more considerate of what Alex wanted but I also believe that his points were already made by many of the viewers so everyone was thinking it to be honest.

Finally onto Alex's livestream, a very poor choice in my eyes as Alex personally attacked Jack and brought up things like that Alex never got paid for doing the Happy Hour Podcast with Jack which is completely off topic and feels like Alex is grasping at the opportunity to attack Jack rather than voice his opinion about the situation at hand. In conclusion I think Alex was angry and upset that somebody he considered to be a friend has backstabbed him almost and posted a video that he disagreed with, which is completely reasonable and he has a good reason to be upset with Jack. I really hope they manage to get on good terms again and become friends as I enjoy both of their channels.

Wow rant over, I don't know if that made any sense but i wanted to address this whole thing and give my opinion. Leave yours in the comments :)

I'll update soon I promise and thanks for nearly 1k reads! thats truly awesome and ily all for it!
It's 1am have fun bros, good night x

Pls don't be offended :)

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