I hate you

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     -------A few years later-------

     Me and Jungkook have been arguing alot lately about things that are stupid. And when I say something he doesn't like he tries to get aggressive. Like last week when I went to the store with him the cashier was a dude and I was being friendly. So I asked him how was his day and generously smiled. Then Jungkook started being rude to the cashier and he dragged me out the store by my arm. When I got to his car he started shouting really loud. Then he had the nerve to choke me when I tried to plead my case. I started crying and and screaming and all he said was "Im the only Male you can look at, smile at, or talk to.You got that!!". I didnt answer him I just kept crying. But I regret not answering him because he then slapped me and said "dont make me repeat myself!!!". After I just looked at him and kept nodding my head. I was so scared. This isn't the little bunny baby I fell in love with. This wasn't him.

----The present day----
My personality changed is what my friends tell me. You look different is what my parents tell me. All this is because of Jungkook starving and beating me up when I'm alone with him. He changed me so much to the point where I dont know what 'me' is anymore. Today I got I text message from my cousin Loren. She was telling me that shes coming to Korea and she wanted to see me. She told me to send her a pic of me with my boyfriend. So I sent her an old pic and she said.

Loren- That's a cute pic but I know its old because it shows that this picture was tooken 5 years ago.

Y/N- Sorry wrong pic

I sent her that on purposes because me and Jungkook were happy in that photo. All of our new pics I look like a skeleton with bruises on my face and neck. But Jungkook always looks perfect. Which I hate.

Y/N- (sent picture)


Y/N- bye I have to go.

Jungkook came home drunk and he smelled like cologne and beer. When he walked in the living room I was heading to the bathroom with my phone and Jungkook yelled "leave the phone". I asked why and he walked up to mean and slapped me and said "dont question me". I then yelled "I HATE YOU!!". He started Punching and kicking me and then he dragged me to the basement by my hair and I had no food or water for two weeks.


Hey jamseekers Have a great Night/Day

I dont love you anymore Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now