Stray Pt. XI

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She woke up exhausted and disoriented. She was numb but worried, empty but full of regret. Sitting up she shook her head hoping to dislodge the confusion. When it didn't work she closed her eyes and tried to focus on each emotion. Slowly she was able to separate them, picking them out as if they had different flavors. She was numb and empty. A welcome feeling after the onslaught the night before. The worry and regret belonged to Bucky. She looked around the room to find it empty which only confused her more. Sneaking to the door and cracking it open she found the hallway void of him as well.

She rubbed her temples as a dull ache started to form between them. She hadn't meant to do whatever it was she did last night. She had only wanted to help. Everything else had been a protective instinct she had never felt before and now in the light of day the implications of that scared her more than anything had in a very long time.

She made it to her own bathroom and while she waited for the water to heat up she examined her hands. They didn't look any different than they always had yet she barely recognized them. Turning them over she examined her palms, attempting to recreate the sparks from the night before but failing. With a huff she slipped under the strong spray and closed her eyes.

As soon as she was looking at the backs of her eyelids she felt him more clearly. Almost as if she could reach out and touch him. Curiosity got the better of her and she started looking for the others but she couldnt find anyone. Just him. Him and her growing unease. By the time she had finished and dressed she was in a near panic. She found it curious that as his mood was lightening, her own was spiraling. She pulled the hood of her sweater over her head and needing to test a developing theroy as to what was happening, grabbed her leather jacket before leaving the room.

Over the years she had realized she responded to stress and fear very differently then 'normal' people. It sharpened her senses, drove her movements to be more swift and silent. She drew on that to her advantage, finding the small group of people eating together in the kitchen before moving through the compound and over its vast grounds undetected. With each step down the deserted road he quieted a fraction more.

After grabbing a bite to eat Steve returned to his room with a cup of coffee for her to find her gone. When he checked her door it was adjar but she was nowhere to be found. Trying not to panic, he walked the length of the hall to Bucky's room but found it empty as well.

He fought to keep his composure as he searched for her. He couldn't be sure of what state of mind she was in this morning and his own kept jumping to worst case scenarios. He realized he wasn't doing a very good job at keeping his worry off his face as soon as he found Bucky in the weight room.

"What's wrong?" He asked, dropping the bar and walking swiftly to meet him halfway.

"Have you seen YN since this morning?"

"No," he answered slowly. "What is going on Steve?"

"I just don't know where she is." His attempt at nonchalance fell flat.

"You think she ran don't you?" Bucky pursed his lips. "She ran because of me."

"No, Buck. Not because of you."

He shook his head at Steve dismissively before walking past him.

"Where are you going?"

"To find her."

Bucky headed straight for the conference room, not surprised to hear Steve close on his heels. The two of them poured over security footage of the compound and the grounds, only spotting her on the third viewing. She was little more than a blip on the screen but she had slipped up just enough to be seen clearly if you paused it.

"You were right." Bucky sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, sometimes I hate that."

Steve had F.R.I.D.A.Y scan all available security footage for a hundred mile radius but they were having no luck.

"What are you two doing?" Tony demanded as he stormed into the room.

They both started to talk at once which only amplified their solicitude. Tony listened to them, becoming more amused by the minute.

"You both do realize she is a grown ass woman right? Like, she's been surviving out there in the big bad world, all on her own mind you, much longer than any of us. I think she's going to be ok."

The two shared a look that had his blood running cold. "What the hell did you two do?"

She was ready for Bucky when she returned; ready for his anxiety and anger. She was not prepared, however, to be smacked in the face with Steve. She slowed her steps as his pacing silhouette came into view. She almost breathed a sigh of relief with him when he spotted her but it changed so quickly to anger it caught in her throat.

"Where were you? We were worried... I was worried about you."

"I know." She gave him a sad smile. "I think he was more worried about you than me."

His brow furrowed, "How do you know that?"

"That's what I was trying to figure out." She shrugged.

"Did you?" He prompted when she didn't elaborate.

"No," she offered honestly. All she knew was that once she couldn't find Bucky anymore, she wanted him back. She knew how dangerous it was but she couldn't bring herself to keep going more than a couple of steps once he had gone.

"Well, maybe send a text or something next time." He softened seeing how distraught her eyes were.


Steve pulled her into a hug before guiding her back inside. As the elevator doors closed she sank against the wall and closed her eyes. She looked like she could fall asleep where she stood but when she opened them again they were sparkling.

"Could you do me a favour and go let him know I'm back and you're not going to do anything stupid?"

He looked at her curiously. Moreso than because her hightened sense of Buck, he didn't want to let her out if his sight for fear she would disappear again.

She laughed lightly as she laid her hand on his bicep. "I'm exhausted and need to sleep. I can't do that if he's still screaming at me."

He had so many questions but she was wrecked. Plus, the look on her face led him to believe she had even more than he did. He could only hope she'd fill him in once she figured it out. He left her at her bedroom door, waiting for it to click shut before making his way down to Bucky who was pacing a divot in the floor of his own room.

Shedding her clothes she slipped under the covers, praying for sleep. It wasn't until she felt him relax, knowing Steve had eased his concerns that she was able to drift off.

Stray (Steve Rogers XReader XBucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now