~~ Friends In High Places ~~

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They mapped out where everyone would come from and that some of the base were already moving into position. They went over what would happen if things did go to plan and how distracted all the Demons would be, so L could destroy Frallica and the rest could be disposed of.

They had everything covered, backup plans in case things went sideways and escape plans for when things went horribly wrong. L got the feeling Bryce had a lot to do with these plans since he kept pointing out changes to routes and what they might need. There was also a contingency plan to get L out if things went bad but she dismissed that immediately.

"No matter what happens, I'm not leaving and I'm not gonna let Frallica get the knowledge I have."

"If we lose you, we lose everything in your head. Your noble act wouldn't be as noble as you think, either you kill Frallica or we get you out of there." Katherine spoke after nobody else seemed to know what to say. Her tone was flat, she didn't even look at L, staring at the table instead.

L knew she was biased on the subject but she couldn't broach it in front of everyone, it wasn't the time. But Katherine did have a good point and the others were nodding like they already knew it too. If L did die then the knowledge she had would be lost forever.

L had thought about that though not in the same context, she just wanted to make sure Frallica never got her hands on it.

"Katherine is correct, we save the knowledge as well as L... so back to this contingency plan..." Bryce picked up the conversation.

L didn't know if it was because he wanted to stop any possible arguing, or because he wanted to stop L talking about her death.

She let them explain the plan without interrupting, it involved a lot of magic but from what she could tell it would work if she needed it; most of their plans should work in theory but it could be an entirely different story when they applied it. L now knew a lot more about Demons and their tricks, but also about how unpredictable they could be and how many different kinds Frallica could have with her.

L was still questioning things when they finished up and headed out to face Frallica and her horde. There wasn't much else she could do except fight Frallica and win quickly before too many of them got hurt, or worse. She felt someone slide up beside her as she walked down the corridor and Bryce frowned when he looked down at her face.

"You're not planning to go and do something brave and probably stupid, are you?" He asked hesitantly.

L arched a brow and shrugged, "I don't know, but even if I were, I don't think it would be a good idea to tell you."

They came out into the hallway and Bryce's mouth turned up into a smirk, "Good, I don't want you doing something stupid, at least not without me." He wiggled a brow and L couldn't help but smile up at him.

The hallway was still busy and they quickly made their way outside. "So if I said I was gonna run out and face Frallica now, you'd come with me?" L asked curiously, she could feel the vibrations of the Ogre brothers footsteps heading their way.

Bryce narrowed his eyes a touch, "I would, but I hope you're not, they were right in there about doing this as a group. Keeping the Demons distracted means you'll have a much better chance. You've met Demons, you know what they can do when it's just one or two... imagine a whole horde coming at you."

L saw his point and she also saw flashes of past Demon horde attacks, it made her shudder.

"Alright, I'll stick to the plan but if I see a chance, I'm taking it."

"I'd expect nothing less," Bryce responded just as the Ogre brothers came barrelling down a path to the right of them.

They were both wearing black fur clothes, roughly made to cover their bodies and their hair was even neater than usual, they looked cleaner too; it was a ritual before a fight to be as well presented as possible. L smiled up at them when they stopped, they were each carrying a giant club and a brown sack.

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