~~~ Friends In High Places ~~~

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Matilda was drooping in Frallica's grasp, her body was virtually white instead of the vibrant green it used to be. L knew this was bad for her, as a Nature Sprite she should have been any shade of green, like a plant she had been starved of everything, including light.

No wonder nobody could find any trace of her, she had most likely been kept somewhere away from any kind of nature. She looked like she'd been beaten too, probably tortured. L's heart broke to see her in this state, she used to be so happy and bubbly, she was innocent and hated any confrontation. It might have got on L's nerves a little but she'd give anything to have her back that way now.

Matilda could barely lift her own arms to fight Frallica off, although she gave it a good go and L seethed with rage while she watched the enjoyment on Frallica's face. L lunged towards Frallica in an attempt to save Matilda but Frallica pulled up her remaining blade-arm to hold it against Matilda's neck.

"Ah-ah-ah, not so fast, you move an inch and she dies."

L teetered on her heel, she knew Frallica would kill Matilda anyway if she didn't get to her first.

Matilda was whimpering something and L's hearing just managed to catch it. "Kill her, L... kill her now."

L swallowed against the huge lump in her throat, Nature Sprites never condoned killing of any kind much less encouraged it. Frallica must have done some horrific acts to cause Matilda to say such things and mean it.

Frallica laughed coarsely, "Shut up, you little nuisance. She'll do as I tell her or you will be worm food sooner than you could have ever hoped."

L hated just standing by but she couldn't risk Matilda's life. She had to think of something and fast, not all of the fights around them were going to plan. L couldn't see Walter or Hallie anymore, their group had moved down the road in the midst of their fight. Bryce and Emilia had almost finished with theirs but they'd both sustained injuries, L couldn't tell how seriously from where she was. She was hoping to get their help with her new situation once they were done, she needed to save Matilda and not get caught in the process.

"Stop trying to think of a way out, it's your life for the sap's, no bargaining or daring rescues. Come here now and I'll send her packing on her merry little way."

Frallica used a mocking tone of voice by the end, she was enjoying this far too much and L was tempted to throw a lightning bolt at her just to shut her up. But Matilda's life now hung in the balance, Frallica would kill them both unless L thought of something. She had said all along that she wanted to keep the casualties to a minimum, letting Matilda die just so she could stay safe was not about to happen.

Suddenly, a magic pulse came hurtling out of nowhere, it skimmed past Frallica and hit three of her Demons. They imploded on the spot and left their group searching for the culprit, L watched Edra come charging towards them with what was left of her own group. They were a little battered but clearly ready for more fighting, they moved fast and Frallica grinned much too widely when she looked back at L.

"They've forced my hand, I did tell you I would make you suffer, little Keeper."

Before L could make a move to stop her, Frallica brought the blade across Matilda's throat. It was as though time stood still and L couldn't force herself to look away no matter how much she wanted to. Amber coloured liquid flowed out of the gaping wound and Matilda's face tightened for a moment before she went still. It was like someone had cut the strings from a puppet.

Her eyes were open but unseeing and Frallica dropped her to the ground like she was a piece of litter. L couldn't move, she could barely breathe, all she could do was stare at Matilda's lifeless body. She was supposed to be the Keeper, with all the abilities she had she was supposed to be able to protect herself and those nearby. She had failed in the worst way, and something was bubbling inside L, amongst the anger and frustration there was something else.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now