Chapter 3

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Okay Daddy, I see you! Guys, I didn't like it at first but the longer I stared at the picture the more I liked it. What do you think?

Nikolai stared open-mouthed. Shock held him stone still, barely daring to breath. He blinked. She was still there. Heat flooded his face at the brazenness of the woman. A different flush altogether other than embarrassment flooded his body and he tightened all over.

She was beautiful.

Unbelievably so.

He grinned, wondering what she would do if she knew she had an observer, but turned to go, giving her privacy. He reflected ruefully he was in no shape to woo a woman. He probably stank. A shrill yell made him whirl in place, his heart skidding to a halt in his chest and then painfully restarting. He was crouched and poised, ready to defend and protect, looking for whatever had threatened his water nymph before he even realized it.

His eyes were wide. She was perfectly fine by his eyes, just standing in the middle of the river and yelling, her fists balled up. Her breasts mesmerizing as she bounced up and down energetically in the water, shaking those petite hands at the sky.

What the hell

Ella took a deep breath feeling more relaxed. Yelling it out always made her feel better. She opened her eyes and turned towards shore, intending to get out and put her clothes on. The water felt amazingly fresh but ice cold.

Another scream left her lips as her eyes landed on him. Damn it all to hell. He was crouched, eyes dangerous, and they were staring at her.

Suddenly remembering her nakedness, she dropped flat on her ass in the water, some splashing up and in her face as she sank up to her neck. She felt a rock dig into her butt but stayed silent, eyes wide staring at the stranger.

He straightened and stood relaxed on shore after looking around. "You make a habit out of screaming stark naked in the middle of rivers?" he called out amusedly.

She flushed beet red even as fury rose at his insolence. "And do you make a habit out of staring at naked women taking a bath?" she snapped, "That didn't turn out very well for King David."

"Huh?" his face scrunched up in a puzzled manner.

"You know," she said impatiently, twirling her hand in the air motioning for him to turn around, "The king in the Bible that was 'a man after God's own heart?'."

"Never heard of him," answered Nikolai obligingly turning his back, "On a side note, I've already seen everything so I don't know why I have to turn around."

Ella could basically hear the smirk dripping from his voice. "Because I said to," she growled, slowly standing up and heading for shore, "And David didn't have much luck looking at naked women I'll have you know. Much like you aren't, buster, if you don't stay turned around."

She knew better than to order him to leave. She had been well and properly caught and there was nothing she could do about it now but face her consequences and see what he wanted. He looked decent enough. As she got closer she caught the faint smell of whiskey and vomit.

She nearly gagged. This was the stranger from the shack? He didn't look at all like the man she had pictured him to be. Hastily, she threw on her clothes and shivered as her wet shirt clung to her skin. She didn't bother with her jeans but instead pulled a loose pair of shorts out of her backpack and ditched the jeans.

Nikolai slowly turned back around and inhaled deeply at the sopping wet shivering female in front of him. Underneath the strong scent of skunk he caught something soft and feminine and his eyes widened. "It's you," he whispered softly.

Ella's eyes widened with knowledge. Oh no, this was not in her plans. A Promise was not in her plans. She took a step back as he took a step forward. Some of the dreamy happiness fled from his eyes and he asked, "Who are you?"

She shook her head, her hands going to wring the water out of her hair. "It's better you don't know," she said softly avoiding eye contact.

Nikolai was beginning to grow panicky. This was not going the way he thought it would. He pictured meeting his promise as flowers and roses and lovey eyes not her distrusting gaze and standoffish behavior.

He took a deep breath and struggled to calm himself. "My name is Nikolai, she-wolf," he said quietly, "And this is my land you're camped out on."

Ella froze. Things just got a lot worse. She looked up at him again. He was an alpha then. Instantly hope rose up in her as her wolf went wild. An alpha was powerful. She glanced at his build. He could definitely protect her. But what if he was injured? Or killed? Because of her. She shuddered. That thought was unbearable.

He saw her eyes flit to him and saw her shudder. "Am I that repulsive to look upon?" he asked astounded.

The humans had always thought him attractive. And Faye has said he was handsome enough. Did the little she-wolf find him lacking? He looked down at himself and then back up at her questioningly.

Ella felt her heart skip a beat at the cute confused expression on his face. Once she got past the whiskey and vomit she could smell the same enticing scent she had noticed the night before. Before she could help herself, she leaned forward and breathed deep looking up into his eyes. He was hers, dammit. She could tell. Somehow it was just something innate within her that recognized him.

Her wolf recognized his and instantly communed with him, their spirits recognizing the other half of a soul. She visibly resisted the urge to go to him and let him take her into his arms the way she could see he wanted to.

"What is your name?" his voice was soft and pleasing to her ear, resembling the voice one would use to sweet-talk a scared pup.

She shook her head. If he knew, he could research her in the Elder's files and would know everything about her. That wouldn't bode well for her. There was no telling what he would do.

Soul mate or no, she had just met him and didn't know anything about him. He needed to keep his distance. At least until she got everything figured out.


Hello my shapeshifters! Welcome back to Under the Midnight Sky. It has been quite some time since I was able to update but here we go. I'm so sorry for the wait guys. I am looking forward to posting the next chapter already.

Are you guys ready?

If you have a chance please head over to Instagram and give me a follow. I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Scarlett McLeod

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