Chapter 4

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The picture above is me staring at food with deep soulful, appreciating eyes. Anyone else? Welcome back to Under the Midnight Sky!

As he crouched precariously, binoculars trained to his eyes, Nikolai gripped the gigantic tree he was perched in with white knuckles. Heights weren't really his thing.

He knew he was bordering on stalkerish tendencies but damn it the woman wouldn't let him get any closer. His mouth watered as he watched the rundown shack she had crashed in two days prior, eyes alight for any sign of movement. She was on his territory, he knew that and she knew it. But the woman didn't seem to care.

Nikolai scoffed clutching the tree tighter as a stiff breeze blew shaking the limb under his feet. Maybe he should try the direct approach again. Anything would be better than the tree.

Carefully, he began his descent leaving the binoculars to hang by their strap around his neck. Once his feet were on solid ground again, he shoved his hands in his pockets and began trecking his way through the underbrush to the shack. It was just a friendly neighborly visit.

He whistled to announce his arrival, shifting awkwardly on his feet outside the shack. The brown boards looked like they had been haphazardly thrown together but from previous experience, Nikolai knew it was a fairly warm and dry place to stay overnight. That was the only reason he had allowed the woman to be so stubborn and defy him. She was safe and warm. Maybe she just needed time.

Slowly the door of the shack opened and revealed his promise. Oh she was dirty and Nikolai inwardly held his nose.

She smelled like she had had an encounter with the south end of a north bound polecat.

Her tangled brown hair was tousled and mussed around her head not in the sexy just-woke-out-of-bed way but in the I've-been-running-from-the-devil way. For the life of him Nikolai couldn't understand why she didn't just accept him. It would make things a lot easier on her.

"Hi," he finally spoke after staring at her for several long moments.

"Ah," she said, her voice cracking slightly. She cleared her throat. "I was wondering if you were just going to stand there all day."

Nikolai smirked, not missing the sarcasm lacing the she-wolf's tone. He understood sarcasm all too well. He nodded shuffling his feet in the dirt. Her eyes narrowed on the binoculars.

"Binoculars?" She questioned, her voice raspy.

"Bird-watching," he lied smoothly, watching as she scoffed.

She didn't believe him. He grinned then. "You know my name already," he said conversationally, "So it's only fair that you tell me yours."

She rolled her eyes, still leaning on the door, one pretty tan hand resting on her hip sassily in a way that made Nikolai's mouth water. Underneath all that grime and smell, he knew an attractive little spit-fire just waited to give him hell for the rest of eternity.

"My name is none of your business," she snapped, "We already had this conversation, Nikolai. Now leave me alone."

Man, the way she said his name was sexy. Especially since she was mad. Nikolai sauntered casually towards her watching as her eyes widened. He debated whether to get lost in her curves as he so wanted to do, or haul her over his shoulder and march triumphantly back to the house and spank her for being so stubborn. Either one of those actions sparked a wave of desire and interest to see exactly how the little she-wolf would react.

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