Chapter7 Worries

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•Feliciano POV•

As I walked back in the band room my shoulders slumped. "Vhat happened out zhere?" Ludwig asked.

"I'm scared Mr. Ludwig... I think he saw us.." I whimpered I then was-a shockingly hugged by him. I hugged back beginning to cry.

"Sh~ don't cry it's ok. I'm sure he didn't see us and if he did... It'll be alright I promise." Ludwig comforted me. "Please Feliciano call me Ludwig."

"Ok. Ludwig!" I looked up at him smiling Ludwig is-a very tall! I looked at the-a time. "Oh no!" I shouted out loud-a looking at the-a time on my-a watch.

"Vhat's vrong?" Ludwig asked worried

"I'm-a late Loviono is going to be pissed!" I shouted I jumped up and kissed Ludwig's cheek. "Bye!" I said as I ran out the-a door.

Time skip~~~~honey whys the baby on fire? By me more jewelry!!~~

I opened the-a door hoping brother isn't home. Guess what I had-a no luck. I was-a greeted by him slamming the door shut behind me and yelling "WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU-A?!" He shouted cussing at me he does that to everyone so I'm-a use to it.

"I was at-a band practice!!" I said cowering down into-a corner.

"WHY THE-A HELL DID IT TAKE SO FUCKIG LONG?!" He screamed tears welled up.

"MR. RODERICK WAS-A THERE THATS-A WHY!!!" I shouted back crying I ran up to my room and slammed the door and-a locked it. I cried on my pillow Roderick was not a good person at all... He did horrible things to me. I don't know why, but he did. He always-a pushed me-a to hard. He never thought I was-a good enough so I quitted his band and joined Matthews, well now it's Ludwig's. I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Fratello?" My brother asked softly

"No! Go away!" I shouted and he left. I just want this day to be over!

A/N sorry! Don't kill me!! I've been really busy with marching band!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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