Chapter 1

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Chapter One:

There I was... at Gilette Football stadium... Opening day of the New England Patriots, September 12th 2011 . It was a dream come true that I could score these tickets with my best friend  Sutton! We were aboslutley pupmed! But I didn't get these tickets for hundreds on stubhub, I got them from my childhood best friend. Rob Gronkowski. Yes, Rob. 

It's like just yesterday, we walked into our first day of Kindergardern together! Our mom's were best friends from college, so it was a given that we were to become best friends. As we got older,in our hometown Buffalo, New York, we told each other everything. All my latest gossip, the boys I thought were cute, the girls he thought were.."hot"... anyways! But one day in 8th grade I came home in a waterfall of tears. Rob asked if we could hang out earlier that day and I said of course not knowing there was going to be a problem later on... 

"Ella?! what's wrong?!" Rob said confused, climbing into our tree house.

" Rob, It's nothing don't worry about it." I said.

" Do you think I am that retarted....?" 

" Maybe..." I let out a little laugh

" Okay, you now how Cam and I had a thing and were practically going out."

" yeah."

" Well Jenny, my own friend, told Cam that I was a no good ugly loser and had no life and kissed him right in front of me...and he was enjoying the kiss. She;s such a bitch and hes a douchebag!!" 

I let it all out. I put my head down and started bawling into my dirty scratched up knees.

" Ella, are you really going to believe that bullshit. You are beautiful, smart, funny, athletic, caring, sweet, and my best friend. I will beat cam down in an instant for you, No one should ever play someone like you." 

" Thanks Rob" I sobbed.

And right then the unthinkable happened... Rob lifted my chin from my knees and brought me closer to him until I could feel his warm lips on the crisp fall day. It was one of the most enchanting moments I have yet to experience and I am 23. I thought I was going to melt right then and there, but it was your typical 8th grade awkward kisses, but I loved it. 

After that day we went back to being our normal selfs, as if the kiss never even happened. Then years pasts, and we went our seperate ways after high school. He went to Arizona State and I went to Boston College. He is becoming a star tight end for the new england patriots and I am pursuing my dream in Photography trying to open a Photograpy buisness. 

Unfourtunatly, during college we didn't keep in touch and I had no idea where he was or what he was doing. Until July 25th of 2010, when I was at our families vacation home in Cape Cod. My dad anuanlly watches the NFL draft along with my brother sister mom and I. Now, growing up Rob was a SUPERSTAR athlete, amazing at every sport and I always told him that he would become a professional football tight end...and guess who was right there, rob(: As the annoncer guy starts saying...

" And for the New England Patriots with their second pick...." 

Que the annoying tacky elevator music...

" Robert Gronkowski!"

My ceral litterally flew out of my mouth. I was speechless. I was anxiously waiting for the cameras to put him on. Then there he was...SO...Actrattive. 

" NO WAY!!!" my dad yelled for all of the Cape to hear.

"You have got to be kidding me! I haven't gotten in touch with diane in a couple years!" My mom siad.

 I just sat there. In awe. With honey nut cheerios dripping from my mouth. 

" Ella, Its your best friend!" My sister, Casey said

" Yeah..Thanks Sherlock.." 

She did her classic eye roll. 

My legs were quivering. My best friend for as long as I can remeber was on national television and Now just got drafted by the new england patriots.. 

**************ONE YEARS LEATER*****************

Chapter Two ------------>

 NOTE: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! It wasn't that good but hopefully they will get better! please leave your comments below! && sorry if any spell errors or grammer. I did this at midnight!

I Fell In Love With A Football PlayerWhere stories live. Discover now