Chapter 3

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** Hey everyone!! So sorry I haven't updated this in forever. I have been insanely busy with high school and the holidays. On another note, I hope my man Gronk has a speedy recovery, and comes back soon<3333333*****

  Chapter 3

  I awoke with the sun beaming in my eyes. I tossed over to my other side to see that it was 2 in the afternoon. 

" Ughh shit, there goes half of my day." I moaned. 

   Last night didn't contain of much sleep. I was to busy having panic attacks in the middle of the night about how tomorrow is going to plan out. What if Rob takes one look at me and he thinks I'm ugly. I managed to pull myself out of bed, and throw on a loose purple long sleeve shirt with a floral infinity scarf, American Eagle Jeans, and my brown boots. I then headed down to the streets of boston to visit my photography space. 

 " Wow, this is stunning." I screamed as I entered my new space. 

" You like?" Pamela, A close friend of mine who got me the space, appeared out of the corner. 

" Do I like?! Pam, I love it.!!" 

Pam's huge grin appeared on her face. " Good, I'm Glad!!"

It was a quaint pretty store on Newbury Street. It had the brick walls in the inside, and a huge open floor plan. It got me extremely happy that all my hark work, was finally paying off. 

My phone started to buzz. I picked it up and it read New Text Message from Sutton:

Sutton: Please meet me at Starbucks ASAP.

Me: Alright be there in 5. 

Sutton was my Roomate at Boston College. Ever since then we have been best friends. I have no idea where in the world I would be without her. She always knows how to make me smile.

I opened the door to starbucks, and the familar scents made me feel like I was in Paris at a coffee shop under the eiffel tower. Arms grabbed my shoulders from behind. 

" Hey Ella!" Sutton said as she smiled. 

" Sutt! Oh I have missed you so much!"

" Here I got us a table and I already got your Carmel Frappachino!"

" Thanks girl!"

As we sat down at the table Sutton couldn't contain herself. I had texted her last night saying I had amazing news for her, and let me tell you Sutton is a very impacient person.

" Alright, So....What is the suprise?!" 

"Okay Sutt.... you remember me telling you about my best friend growing up, Rob?" I asked. 

" Yeah of course." she said. 

" Well, He is Rob Gronkowski.."

This was a risk I was taking because growing up Sutton has always been a die hard Patriots fan and I knew she would know who he is. Her parents house was like the Patriots museum, its a bit insane if I say so myself. I didn't know where this was going to go.

" The Rob- Rob- Rob- Gronkowski....." Sutton muttered wide eyed. 

" Yes indeed, THE Rob Gronkowski. I said while looking down... not expecting what was going to happen.

" ELLA HOLY SHIT...your best friend growing up is know an all star tight end and let alone a super hottie, who I want to fuck!!!!" She screamed for all of Starbucks to hear. 

" Sutton!!!! Shhhhhhh! OKay OKay yes I know I am shocked too. But he texted me yesterday, suprisingly remebering me and wanted to get together since we both were in Boston....So he got tickets for me and a friend to go see the game tomorrow.... And we would meet up after." I said running out of breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2012 ⏰

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