Chapter 3: I Find Myself Wanting More

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Chapter 3: I Find Myself Wanting More

I run around the corner just to find that I am standing in a dead-end allyway. If this is a dead-end then where did that man go? He couldn't have very well just disappeared. Come on, think, where could he have possibly gone? Is there another possible way out even if I can't get out by it? 

I walk down and search the ally, looking up and down and back again several times. I squint to try and see somethign that I possibly could have missed the other several times I have checked the ally, but still, I come up empty handed. 

 Where could he have possibly gone? He couldn't have just disappeared into thin air, could he? No, that's impossible, for starters, you need to stop talking to yourself, that is setting you off and second of all, he probably didn't even exist in the first place. I probably created him with my mind so I should just stop all of this. 

I turn around and leave the ally, I don't even look back, I make sure not to look back. I will of start all of this again, I just keep on walking. I make my way back to my car and come across the box of roses, it is laying on the ground where I guess I had dropped it when I went looking for the man again. 

I pick up the box and get into my car. I place the box of roses on the front seat next to me and stick the key into the ignition.  I turn the key and start my car, I pull the seat belt over my chest and clip it in. I pull away from the curb and head towards home. 

I still have so much work that I need to do, I was definately not planning on getting into a situation like the one today. That really put me behind schedule and then meeting with Mr. Charming and having him disappear on me, just made things all the more worse and strange. Today is going to be a long day having all of that to think about while I'm trying to get serious work done.

I park my car in my driveway and shut it off. I sit in it for a few..... Okay more than a few minutes and then I decide that I need to go inside and get to work. I haven't done any work all day so I better get started on it. 

I get out of my car and slam the door shut, I notice by the loud bang that I had slammed it harder than I intended to. Oops, oh well, it will survive, this car has been through much worse than having it's door slammed too hard. 

I walk up to my house, key in hand and go inside. I shut the door and throw my keys onto the porch table, not really caring where they land. I trudge through my house, my stomach rumbles and I ignore it. I tried to go out and eat, but I ended up getting knocked out instead, I think it's better to just stay home. 

 I head to the livingroom where my laptop and bag are and scoop them up into my arms. I walk down the hall to my lonely, unpainted bedroom and throw my stuff onto my bed with a sigh. Why did  I ever think that I wanted this? Who would ever want this? I should not have said I wanted this. If O hadn't I wouldn't be in this situation because my bad luck just keeps getting worse. My bad luck with men has turned into bad luck period. 

I throw my jacket off onto the chair in the corner and kick off my shoes, completely ignoring where they land on the floor. I flop onto my bed and grab my laptop, feeling like I need a little laughter in my life and a little less romance. "I need a friend more than I need a boyfriend. I just wish that there was someone who could give me what I need." Maybe that guy that gave me his number and talked about his at showing is the man that is suppoosed to be my friend. It's hopeless. I sigh loudly, not wanting to do any work, just wanting to crawl uner the covers, eat ice cream, cry and sulk until I die. 

After about a half hour, I am finally able to get my head on staight and start getting some work done. It took quite a few tricks, but it worked. After two cups of tea, one cup of coffee, blasting rock music,  turning the TV on to cooking shows and cranking the volume, I was finally able to concentrate. It sounds weird, but let me explain. The loud noise and calming effect of the tea and coffee, I was able to distract myself from thinking about my crazy life and able to get some work done. 

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