Chapter 4: The Showing

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Chapter 4: The Showing

My eyes open, my mind still feeling foggy not allowing me to quite remember where I am and why. I lay still a while waiting for my mind to wake up like the rest of me and when it finally does I remember that I have been working so hard the last few days. I have so much work that needs to be done by Monday. I quickly hop out of bed and head into the living room. I flip through my work quickly, surveying how much I have done and how much I have left to do.

After my observation of my work, I find that I am finished nearly everything that needs to be finished. I only have a few write-ups that need doing for my bosses speeches at different meetings. Honestly, that man can't even write one word for himself. I swear, he either doesn't know how, or he is just too damn lazy.

I rush back to my room to put on some clothes. Just because I'll be cooped up in my house all day does certainly not mean that I am confined to my pajamas all that time. I should hop into the shower quickly before I get dressed, so that at least I'm clean too.

After my shower is finished and I'm picking out my clothes, my mind drifts to other things and I suddenly remember where I had promised to be today. Justin's art showing, it's going to be his first art show and I told him I'd be there, that I'd support him.

I quickly throw on some clothes and look at the time, it's 10:00, oh what time was I supposed to be there again? What time did the showing start? Wait, he didn't even bother telling me what time it's at. At least he told me the name of this place, 'A Fascination', that's what he had told me. The place sounds like a fascination, hell, it's even in the name!

Just to be safe, I'll leave in the next hour or so. I do not want to risk being late for it. If I'm late he'll probably kill me. That was not literal, I reassure myself.

By the time I end up leaving my house, it's 10:45 because I need time to ask around and find this mystery place. I mean, for all I know it's a dark and creepy place where I could be killed. It probably isn't that, but still, a girl can never be too careful around these parts. It can get dangerous around here, especially for women.

It takes several people, shops and a bar, as well as half an hour to find the place he told me about. When I finally pull into a parking space, I sigh with relief. I found it, I won't be killed today. Not yet anyway. I lock up my car and head in.

When I step inside, I am filled with joy and I feel love all around me at the sights before me. There are many different types of art: sculptures, paintings, and drawings, complete masterpieces, all of them.

I audibly gasp at the sight of one, it's breathtaking. I've never seen anything more beautiful in all my life. I look down at the price pasted just under the painting, $50, it is worth so much more than that.

I wander around looking for Justin, but not once seeing him. This is his art show how could he not show up for his own art show? Maybe he's just late, maybe he had to leave for only a minute and I just missed him.

I decide to do a little more wandering and I find myself back at the entrance and low-and-behold, that's exactly where Justin is now. I rush over and say hello. I dive right into speech about his art work.

"This stuff is amazing, I've never seen art like it in my life. It's so beautiful, you are so talented! You should really consider bumping up the prices because these pieces are worth so much more than what the prices are marked at."

"Whow, whow there, slow down, first things first, hello Sparkle. I'm glad you are enjoying my display. I indulge in many different types of art work."

"My name is Andria and I can certainly see that. What inspires you, if I may ask that?"

"A lot of different things, no one thing sparks more than one piece of art. Not for me anyway. I get my inspiration from all over. Only recently I have found that I have gotten inspiration for a few things from only one."

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