I am here for lose

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Truth- I come here for lose then why am I worried for anything why am I take tension all the time ? Here a short stories
Once upon a time there were two gentleman  went a  beautiful park they met a watchman. They asked him to visit the park watchman said welcome but only one condition you have only 2 hours visiting our after that you have to come out from park.two gentleman are agreed. Watchman gave them a two jackets which has 5 pocket. Every pocket has special  power like sencess. Watchman said when you guys enetr the park these pocket will be active they can take you to their destination. They said yes to watchman and entered in the park.when they eneterd in the park pockets got activate they started working. Two gentleman don't need to find any path those pockets can take them all the placess in the park. A pocket bring them where was some beautiful song was playing they were enjoying.anpther pocket took them some beautiful places like river mountains all that there they also enjoy that. Another pocket took them where lots of tasty foods were cooking they also enjoy that delicious food. This kind of specialty all 6 pocket have. They also met lots of people in the park some of become their friends. First person starting got attached to all things in the park he was claiming everything it's mine where he go. But second person enjoying every moment because he rembered what watchman said he 2 has only 2 hours to see the park after that he has come from the park so he was only enjoying without attachment.and second person has too many things to because where he goes what he likes he said it's mine I found it so I can only enjoy this stuf. Like when he found a tree full of fruits he plugged all the fruits from tree and hide it somewhere so no one can find it and he can eat all this fruit. And he also claimed lots places where no one can go take those places from him so he always go to see those places are those safe or if anyone is there then he used to tell them go away this place is mine I owned it. Some time he had to fight with people for this. So he always look tension and worried. Always thinking what happend if someone take his places,what happen if someone take all those trees where he get fruit and what happen if someone found those bags fruits bag where he used to hide. All this kind of thoughts are make him worry he look always tense. Now he is wasting his time instaed of enjoying that time which is gave by watchman(2 hours ) and he also has lots of enemy now who he used fight for places and fruit. But second person has no enemy or no friends  in that park and no attachment with anything he just travelling and enjoying all that things he know he has only few hours to visit so he cherish every moment. Two person came here to visit the park one is enjoying and another is worrying. Who is wasting all the time worrying. Time'su up bell rang watchman but first person didn't want to leave. Now he is thinking if he go what will happen to my place for which he used to fight to other people. Who will eat those fruit what he hide his safe place.all kind of thoughts are pinching his mind but second person went to the gate happily he was thinking I had wonderful time here god bless those person who made it.such a nice place to visit.but first person person didn't move in fear. He wanted to stay. Watchman came  near  to the first person and asked why not you come outside. First person said cringly if I go who will take care my stuffs. Watchman asked which stuffs. First person take the watch man with him for showing those places who he used to live and showing those trees who he used to collect fruit from those tree and that place where he hide all those fruits for future. He asked to the watchman see all this mine. How can I leave. Watchman asked before you entering the park is those places is yours fisrt person said no. Again he asked before you enter the park is those tree which you claimed yours are those yours man said no. Then how can these yours now. I had allow you to see this park your time's up now you can go. Man said yes I agree this is not mine before came here but now it's mine because I built this place perfect this trees from others hide this fruit from others. So it's mine now. Watchman said you were allowed for visit in this park dear. You just came here to see and enjoy all this thing you can't stay here you are not belong here. But first person reaptedly saying and crying. Watchman got know this man under control this jacket who has 5 pocket (sencess ) So he forget where he came from. He forgot what he was before entering the park. Watchman said give me the jacket man said no it's mine. Watchman said how can it yours now I have you don't you remember. And when you out side the park this jacket will useless for you it won't working out side the park. And you my friend you are talking like this because you are under control this jacket. Just give it to me.while they were talking time is ipso  watchman took the  man outside of the park.when the man got out from the park he felt diffrnt he gave the jacket to the watchman because outside the park jacket is deactivative. The man don't look worry and tense anymore. Watchman asked to the man what were you doing in the park. Man said I don't remember. Watchman said now you are free to go. Have a safe journey. Man said thank you and god bless you and he left.

(We are here for some hours some months may be some years who knows now we have to make sure we have to enjoy this time or wasting it for worrying or crying for nothing. Happiness only real when shared)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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I am here for lose why I am worried then ?Where stories live. Discover now