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"What the fuck is wrong with you, Mason? Every other minute it is something new with you, you can't ever stay consistent and to be honest, I'm about to walk away because I'm not going to keep putting up with you and your bullshit." I screamed into the phone.

"Babe you are really overreacting right now, it's not even that serious you always dragging something. Do you really want to start with me right now?" he said sounding irritated.

"What do you mean I'm overreacting you know what, I'm done with this conversation and I'm done with you. Lose my number because I'm not going to be dealing with this time and time again Mason I'm tired and truth be told this is long overdue" I fumed.

"Shut the fuck up, Alicia, you're not done with nothing. I'm coming to your house when I get off of work and we are going to talk because all you doing right now is talking fuckery. Calm the fuck down and I'll see you later. You better be home or I'm going to come and find your ass, and you don't want me to do that." he said sternly and hung up the phone.

I looked at my phone and it was now my home screen, I couldn't believe this motherfucker just hung up on me. He had the nerve. Who did he think he was talking to? I said what I meant and I was dead ass serious. This was about the third time that he cheated on me and got caught and trust me, baby, the third time's the charm. I am so done, no matter if he tries to come and talk to me, I'm not changing my mind. I have been through thick and thin with Mason and apparently, that doesn't count for anything. All I get is cheated on and embarrassed. Well, I'm done looking stupid for some nigga that doesn't even appreciate me.

I got up from my bed and went over to my computer table and turned on my laptop. It was early Saturday afternoon and I had to check my email because I was certain that I had assignments to do. Truth be told I was so distracted by Mason I was starting to get behind on my work. I opened up my email and saw an assignment from my teacher.



E238 Essay Assignment

This essay follows the traditional compare and contrast assignment of looking at how two texts treat a narrative convention, but it is unique in that it gives two options for focus, the second of which allows students to venture into the realm of cultural studies by comparing a text read in class with a text from popular culture (a movie or television program).

Essay #1 Assignment

Worth: 15% of the course's overall grade

Requirements: 10 pages. Stapled. Double-spaced. Times New Roman 12 point font. All citations will be MLA parenthetical citation. Include a "Works Cited" page.

Option #1: A common type of literary analysis asks you to compare and contrast elements of two different texts we've read (including the Kafka stories). For example, you could analyze the similarities and differences between the two characters, or you could examine how a theme is handled in similar and dissimilar ways in two different texts...

10-page paper sometimes I really think some of these teachers think that I'm superwoman or something because I just don't understand how we have so many assignments due around the same time, it's just ridiculous.

I really needed to get my mind off of Mason, so I checked the time and it was 4:30 pm. I hopped in the shower and got dressed in my black velour juicy couture sweatsuit. I had practice at 5 and I was going to Will's house right after. I packed my gym bag with a pair of ripped jeans a striped black and white crop top, and my black and white vans. I grabbed my keys and walked out of the house, headed to the B15 bus stop. It was a nice day outside the sun was out and it was a nice light breeze, this is what I called comfortable weather. Even though I loved spring time I couldn't wait till it got a little warmer for my shorts to come out.

"A-L-I-CIA!" someone screamed from down the block.

I turned my head around with my attitude on 100 because who in their right mind was screaming my name in the street like that. I heard Keona being so ratchet coming down the block bobbing and weaving her head. This little girl was always screaming like she had no goddamn sense. The bus pulled up and I got on, Keona walked on right behind me and we took a seat in the back.

"What I tell you about yelling my name in the street like that, girl one day I ain't even going to acknowledge you, watch."

"Yea yea yea, you say that all the time but you can't do that so I don't care," she said laughing at me.

"Yea laugh now, but one day I'm going to leave you and your going to be tight and I'm not telling the bus driver to wait for your ass either," I said rolling my eyes at her.

Before we knew it it was time to get off the bus. We walked across the street to our school and I went directly to the locker room while Keona went to meet her boyfriend at her locker. I was so happy that Mason had work today that meant he wasn't going to show up for football practice, and truth be told I didn't want to see him. I put my bag in my locker and closed the locker and all of a sudden I felt a hand wrap around my hair and


I felt the most excruciating pain I ever felt in my life, I instantly became dizzy and the headache that just got started pounded like never before. I looked around and came eye to eye wit Mason staring at me with so much anger in his eyes.

"What the fuck" I screamed at him with tears in my eyes.

"Listen to me and listen to me good Alicia because I'm only going to tell you this once you are not ever going nowhere. We are in this till the death and even then your not going nowhere, I don't care what I do you have no choice but to stay" he grabbed me and slammed me into the lockers and my feet was lifting off the ground "And that little thing you got going on with your teacher stops today" he said through clenched teeth. I looked at him and my eyes were wide "Yea you thought I didn't know, you need to get it together before I do it for you" he put me down and tried to walk away but I yelled behind him.

"You're going to regretting putting your hands on me mark my words" I managed to choke out.

"Are you threatening me because if you are I'm not phased by it one bit," he said running up in my face once again.

"No it's not a threat it a promise," I said looking up at him now in his face.

"And I promise you that you can never get rid of me I'm not scared of you Alicia there is nothing you can do to me that's going to change my mind you hear me nothing," he said and walked out the locker room. I don't even know what I saw in his bitch ass he's such a pussy trying to beat on a woman.

I sat there and cried my eyes out till I realized what really just went down. I wiped my tear stained face and stood up. I don't know who this nigga think he was talking to just now I'm grown he is not my father and if I decide to mess with someone else and I don't want him any more than that is my right to do so. Like I told him he is going to regret putting his hands on me and I'm going to make sure of that. My dad always told me "never let a man put his hands on me and get away with it", I should have kicked him in the dick. I took my phone out my locker and texted my captain and told her that I have an emergency so I had to go, I also texted my brothers because if Mason thought he was going to manhandle me and get away with it he got another thing coming.

White Family

Alicia- meet me at the house 20 mins EMERGENCY

Mali- Copy

Keem- I'm here

Jay- what happened

Kyle- On my way sister

DeAndre- 5 mins away

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