Chapter one

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Quick authors note~ I just wanted to say that this story is told from someone else and sometimes the character themselves ill tell you when.

Ricky's POV

Linda: Ricky get up you little brat!

Max: Linda I'll get her up just leave!

Linda: Whatever goodbye!

Max: Hey Ricky time for us to go to school, get on ready and I'll drive you okay?

Ricky: Okay, wait Max?

Max: Yeah?

Ricky: Nothin just wanted to say I love ya.

Max: Love ya to sis!

So uh let me go on ahead and tell you guys a little bit about my friend Ricky, she's 15 years old she's in 10th grade and she has an older brother who is in 11th garde making him 16. Well uh she's very depressed and she dosen't eat much but thats just how some people are I guess, oh and did I forget to mention that before everyone was born the doctors at the hospitial. Picked two and only two people and they well I guess you'll just have to wait and see now won't you? Oh and my name is Derik I'm her only guy friend that she trust completly.

Ricky: Derik snap out of it okay I need to tell you something after school on the bus if my brother dosent drive me or if I don't go home with someone anyways 5th period is about to start we should get going.

Derik:Okay and if you don't end up riding the bus home or whatever than just text it to me okay anyways I got to go and stop by my locker real quick.

Ricky: Bye Derik.

Derik: Bye Ricky...

Here goes nothing going into my 5th period class I sit in the desk I always sit in which is in the far back of the class room, I take a quick glance around the classroom thinking I'm the only one in here when I see a new guy named well I don't know his name yet and I need to go on ahead and find it out. But then of course my anxiety wants to act up and it won't let me, no I'm going to fight this panic attack I'm going to go and talk to him. The strange thing is, is that he's sitting in the desk in front of me so instead of talking to him I decied to write him a note. That just simply said "Hi my name is Ricky what's yours? Only to see him read the note then he turned around so I could see his face and I give him a small smile, only to have the note read "Hi my name is Harold nice to meet you uh Ricky, hey just wondering do you have a nickname I could call you by? We did this the rest of the class period only to realize he was in all of my classes! I just simply wrote him back.

"Uh yeah I do you could call me uh what my mom called me. I wanna get to know you more when can we talk again?"

"How about today after school since today is a friday night you could even stay over the night if you wanted to... wait what did you're mom call you?"

"Right sorry about that she called me bud do you have a nickname I could call you? Oh and sounds great about the sleeping over thing I would have to get to know you first."

"Right uh you could call my Harry thats what my dad called me before he uh, it's not important heres my number text me when you leave 10th period okay Bud?"

"Right well see ya later on Harry"

The way he looked at me I knew he liked me but thats not my complete question the real question is what did he mean befor his dad and do I like him back? Man High school and all the things that happen some good some bad like which is or no which would be which? Anyways I don't even know what I have but then I realized that he's in all of my classes should I ask him what he meant by befor his dad or should I just let him be? Why is my head racing I feel an anxiety attack coming on but I'm not so sure if I'm actually going to have one, I can't I can't let Harry see me cry like I'm some type of baby. I was broken out of my thoughts by my teacher I guess i was having a panic attack I have sweat all over me and it's not that good of a sign, did I mention that my teacher Mr.Mike is my nicest teacher I guess.

Mr.Mike: Ricky are you okay do you need to take a walk and clear you're head.

Ricky: I tried speaking but couldnt because I was already in tears... I need to talk to someone!

Mr.Mike Okay well who do you want to talk to the social worker or do you want to talk to a friend?

Ricky: I paniked and I said friend

Mr.Mike: Okay who do you want to talk to anyone is fine to me and if their in a different class then I can call the teacher.

I quietly said Harold not thinking anything of it, I just needed someone who wouldn't judge me soemone who wouldn't say that I'm looking for attention.

Mr.Mike: Okay, Harold uh I need to see you and Ricky out in the hall, uh bring you're things incase you come back and it's time for a different period.

Harold: Okay

Mr.Mike: Ricky, do you want to by any chance just want tp take a walk and talk and possibly take a break from everything?

Harold: You wanted to see me Mr.Mike?

Mr.Mike: Yeah uh can you take Ricky for a walk and just talk some things out with her she isn't feeling to uh good.

Harold: Yeah sure no problem, uh now go on ahead and teach the class before they start some type of party or something.

Mr,Mike: Thank you very much Harold wait do you wanna go by Harry?

Harry: Yea sure!

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