Chapter 8: i like my girls just like i like my honey (sweet)

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The famed marimba melody rings loudly throughout Jennie's room, her phone buzzing somewhere beneath her sheets. A thin arm snakes its way out of the covers to grab the offensive source of the noise.


The brunette quickly jerks the phone away from her ear.

"What?" she grumbles once she's deemed it safe to put it back to her ear again.

"Freaking finally," Jisoo exclaims on the line. "It's 7:00! Where the hell have you been?"

"Home?" Jennie says, confused.

"How come you weren't picking up?" her friend asks. "You know what, never mind. We're coming."

Shit, Jennie curses inwardly, remembering their established plans for the night.

"Right," she says, more awake. "Just give me a minute."

"Did you just wake up?" Rose asks.

"Yeah, sorry, I passed out as soon as I got home," the brunette explains.

"Oh no," she hears Lisa says on the other end. "Maybe you should just rest—"

"Shh, ears on the road," Jisoo interrupts her.

Rose laughs, lowly, the kind that only her three closest friends get to hear. "You mean eyes on the road?"

"I said what I said," Jisoo snaps. "Oi, Jennie, hurry up. We'll be there soon."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Alright, see ya," Jisoo says before hanging up.

Jennie hauls herself off her bed, hurriedly shoving essentials into her overnight bag. She packs a towel, a change of clothes, a hairbrush and her toiletries. Planning a swift and painless exit, she quietly leaves her room and descends the stairs, making a beeline straight for the front door.

"Jen?" her mother's voice comes from behind her. "Where are you going?"

She faces her mother. "Just out with friends."

The woman eyes her bag wearily. "Aren't you joining us for dinner?"

"No thanks, Mom," Jennie says. "I'm good."


She bites her lip. "My friends are outside."

"Ah. Well, okay, don't stay out too late."

Jennie frowns. "I was going to stay at Jisoo's place for the night."

"And now you're not."

Ugh. Jennie turns to see her stepfather next to her mom, arms crossed and face stoic. She sighs, "Seriously?"

"You're always out too late. It's becoming a habit," her mother says, concern etched on her face.

He nods. "Besides, you've got your own bed right here."

Jennie rolls her eyes; a gesture that doesn't go unnoticed.

"You'll be back by ten," he says resolutely; Jennie thinks sometimes he really just wants to ruin her life. "That's an order."

"Excuse me?" Jennie asks incredulously. Who the hell does this guy think he is?

"Your mother is clearly concerned about you. You're always making things so difficult."

"So you speak for her now?" Jennie says bitterly. She scoffs. "I'm sure she's capable of telling me herself."

"Jennie," the woman sighs. "Just... be home on time, yeah?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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