Sum Beach !

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Chapter 3

Mika’s P.O.V.

            I walk in the house, visibly shuddering. I’m way over 30 minutes late because I’d missed the bus and half jogged half ran all the way here. A sense of engrossing doom taints the air as dust clings to what light has managed to shine through the tightly sealed curtains. Seeing as how I’m scared, no, fucking frightened, I take special care in avoiding this houses weak spots. You know in those movies, where the idiot girl is walking sloppily and calling out random shit? Yeah, well that’s how I feel as I finally pass the dimly lit kitchen.

            As I scrunch my nose in distaste I search for the decaying sent that flows from this room. I nearly growl in frustration as I realize it’s impossible for me to see. Not wanting to tackle this particular area of unknown, I continue through the hall my hand guiding me on my quest. Before coming to the last room I strain to hear anything, anything at all yet silence is all I get.

Chancing it I whisper/yell, “Rick?” Again I feel a desolate emptiness in this tiny house. As I’m nearly to the next room I finally give up the battle and plug my nose. Somehow I know this room out of any is the worst. It smells so rotten and all I get as I creep toward the opening is the repugnant stench. The fuck?

Whimpering, I turn my head around the corner. This is by far the most freakishly fucked up experience of my life, I think as I notice something in the far corner. It looks like the silhouette of a man, specifically rick. His head is at an old angle and his body is slumped. That can’t be comfortable. Without paying my surroundings much mind I race over to the light switch on the wall opposite from me. Crunching sounds echo throughout the room as I turn around.

Something I wish I’d never done.

Something I will forever try to erase.

Rick lays there; half of his head is shot off and splattered on the wall behind him and the couch. The blood and brains no longer slither down from the blindingly white ceiling seeing as how they have long dried. The crimson splatters mat the entire room as I allow myself to look away from the man I once knew. Horror, that’s all I can think. It’s there, like paint, it’s dirty. My choking sobs echo among the walls as I fall to the floor clutching my chest desperately for air.

            “No, no, no.” I barely register my own voice as I rock continuously. Back and forth. Back and forth. He’s gone. I’m alone. What am I supposed to do?

 [Oh my god!] Mike is a little late as his scream echo’s throughout the confines of my mind.

{It’s there. Why is it there?} Mi asks desperately with a wild tone.

*Make it stop.* This whimper comes from Ika.

            Their voices snap me into reality as I race to the kitchen for the phone.

            “911, What’s your emergency?”

            “It’s everywhere. He’s dead.”

            “Sir? What is your location?”

            After answering the necessary questions and the woman on the phone assuring me they were on the way I sank to the floor. No tears came, I no longer cried, and the guys were gone for the moment. All I felt was numb. All I saw was his mangled expression. It was forever imprinted into my mind.

            “Son, I need you to come with us.” An older man with kind eyes interrupts my incoherent babble. I hadn’t even noticed their arrival.

Confuse Me, Lovely [BoyxBoy] {Teacher/Student} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now