Chapter one. ;)

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So as you all know I was with that Pixie named Alice 'Cullen' her family was like my own. On my 17th birthday she destroyed my heart saying she didn't want me I did something I swore to never do...I picked up a Razor blade and cut my wrist. I purged I became Anorexia and Bulimic..As I was crying for Alice my father Charlie came into my room and was yelling at me for what I was doing...

Nocturna's POV~
"Isa-Nocturna come here!" My dear dad yells I roll my eyes at my father using my birth name i sigh and pull down my sleeves to cover my fresh but stinging cuts. I go downstairs and I see Rose Esme Em Jazz Carlisle Eddy. I pull down my sleeves but I can tell they smell the fresh blood Rose and the others haul me up to my room. they look worried and in a little pain from the smell of my blood. I go to my bed and I grab the Gauze and tape. I roll my sleeve up and they gasp at all my scars and fresh cuts. Carlisle says "Isabel-Nocturna... Why?" I look down guiltily And say "she hurt m-me sh-she b-broke m-m-me" "Babygirl what did she tell you that day in the woods?" Esme asks.


"Isabella I can't do this with you no more YOUR PUTTING MYSELF AND MY FAMILY IN DANGER YOUR WORTHLESS! You can't be with me no more I NEVER LOVED YOU! I WAS USING YOU!!! Your a disgrace to this earth just do us all a FAVOR AND KILL YOURSELF! I just wanted you for your blood your my singer" (someone who's blood sings to a vampire) Alice says in a cold voice.

"Ali. What? I me" I whimper in a soft voice.

"Well I don't!!!!"she says in a cold deathly voice

She runs faster than normal

"ALI ALICE ALI!!!! Please don't leave me!!!" I yell and chase after tripping over branches until I just fall to the forest floor crying. Wishing for death too claim me. Until Leah from the Wolf Pack comes and finds me and brings me back to my father.

End of Flashback~

They look shocked I looked away with a lost look on my face and my eyes glazed over I blade and muttered "Why Ali!" I started to cut deep as I started to cry. I see Rose in a vision with a pained look on her face. Em says "ROSE WHAT DO YOU SEE!!!" She says "I saw...Nocturna going to the become Queen of the Vampires she's the NEICE OF ARO! And her true mate is in the guards..." I looked shocked than say "we need to go to the Volturi! I can. Make you all guards and make you all drink still Animal blood." I look at my arms and trace my scars. I get up grab my iphone5s and say "let's go!" I grab my phone charger and put them in Rose's purse I say Jazz "Carry me?" I jump on his back and we start to run to Italy.

~Few hours later~

"Isabella" I hear Esme say softly. "Yes Esme?" "We're here" I jump off Jazz's back thinking of Alice.. As we walk to the throne room. I see Jane, and everyone freezes. As I look into her Crimson Red Eyes. She gasps and says "MASTERS SHE HAS RETURNED!!!" Aro Caius Marcus were out in a flash saying "ah mi Isabella what has you coming to our doors?" I say "I'm the next one for throne me and my mate so Marcus who is my mate?" He looks around and Eddy gasps and says "Jane..." I say "Aro my Uncle change me" he grabs my wrist and says the pain will last for Three Days dear Isabella." He bites my wrist and I say "it's Nocturna Fierce Volturi Uncles" as I pass out.

~3 Painful days Later~

so much pain!!! So much pain!!! I think to myself as I stay perfectly still. My heart becomes beating faster and faster, I gasp and open my Bloody Crimson Ruby Eyes. They All gasp I say "what?" "Nocturna you so beautiful I never thought a vampire could be very beautiful" Rose says I smile and say "thanks" I inhale a sent of Human Blood and I hiss, Jane comes in with a human. I am up in a second and I have him in my arms draining him dry. I throw him to the floor looking around and see more humans I don't notice they are for the guards or my uncles until there all dried and lifeless. My blood lust dulls and I look at Jane the guards and my uncles I say "Sorry.." "Don't be sorry Mistress" all the guards say. I say "Uncles the Cullen's will be staying with me they are my family also...they will Drink Animal Blood and when we visit forks WE all will drink animal blood, but back here we feast of Humans. Understand?" "Yes Mistress" they say Jane bows at my feet and says "Mistress can I be your personal Body Guard?" I smile and say "yes" I see Eleazer looking at me I say "what?" He's like "so many gifts many gifts from you!!" "WHAT ARE THEY!!!" He says: control
2. Illusions
3. Pain influence
4. Killing people with one look
5.sense if someone is lying
6. Teleportation.
7. Telekinesis
8.nature control control.
10.erase memories
11.control all 5 elements
13. telepathy (mind control)
12.telling what powers vamps/humans have.
14. Freeze time
15. See the future.
16. Charm speak
17. Siren
18. Eyes change colors with moods.
19. Compel people to do what you want
20. Copy other vampire's powers and uses them against you
21. An Ancient Cherokee Warrior Princess
22. The War Goddess(Athena)
23. A Witch
24. Can cut off all 5 senses
25.physical and Mental Shield
Everyone stares at me shocked. Than Aro says "We Must Protect our FUTURE QUEEN CORRECT GUARDS?!?" They say in unison" Yesssss Master" Jane growls protectively by me and touches my cloak. I smile and touch her cheek softly. "Heidi dearest." Heidi is in front of me so fast "yes Mistress" "I need a new wardrobe take Esme and Rosalie with you get me black and Red outfits and black and red High heels and Any kind of makeup oh I need a Ipod Touch as well and black headphone also. Oh take Felix and Demetria with you" "yes Mistress" I smile happily. Hmm what to do, I think to myself.
I smile sweetly "Jane can you give me and the Cullen's a tour of the Castle?" "Sure Noc...Mistress" I smirk and say "Darlin, you don't need to call Me Mistress after all I am YOUR mate." Everyone but the Cullen's and Jane and Marcus gasps. Marcus smiles. I hear a laugh that makes my blood run cold. "Now now Nocturna Do you think that Bitch Really loves you? After all your my Singer meaning you will Always find a way back TO ME!" Alice says I turn to face the Pixie the girl who broke my heart the girl who told me lie after lie. I growl a viscous snarl, and my guards surround me and my family (the Cullen's all but The Pixie, and the volturi leaders) "IM NOTHING OF YOUR'S YOU DONT OWN ME YOU PIXIE FREAK! GUARDS KILL HER!!!" The guards all surround her and they Almost attack but Marcus who says "FREEZE GUARDS SHE ABOUT TO FIND HER TRUE MATE!!!" Everyone freezes I see a vampire I've never seen before but Aro says "Madelyn... My dear sister." I gasp loudly. "MADELYN WHAT THE FUCK!!" The girl turns to me and says "!?!?" I sneer and say "what didn't expect to see the next vampire Queen here Mother?" Everyone stares at Madelyn and me. I snarl and say "you left me! I thought you died!!!" "Darling your father made me leave after he found out what I was... He kicked me out of the house and when I found out you tried to kill yourself over someone named Alice Cullen I came here looking for you." I sneer and say in a cold voice "THAT ALICE CULLEN! Is your fucking mate she used me because I was her 'singer' after awhile she got tired of me she broke my heart I stared to cut again! cuz of that Pixie Bitch! You'd be surprised of how numb I felt when I dragged that blade across my skin praying for death..and oooppssss she's on a death sentence." "Baby girl what do you mean again?" My mother asks "oh right you weren't there... I got bullied at school in 10th grade I was 16 at the time. They called me fat ugly to kill myself. So I became diagnosed with Anorexia, bulimic, Depression, self harm, suicide/suicidal Thoughts, THAN YOUR MATE TELLS ME TO KILL MYSELF! So I started to cut again I fell into my old habits." My mother Pales like she's seen a ghost. And says "you don't mean tho...-" "yes mother those fucking habits and my name is no longer Isabella Fierce Swan it's Nocturna Fierce Volturi." Than my mother did the last thing I expected and says "here now before the royal vampire lords and my daughter and the 'Cullen's' that my daughter trusts I, Madelyn Rose Swan Rejects my Mate Alice Cullen as my mate for as long as I shall live."than bows herself at Aro's feet and says "Brother let me become a guard please to protect you and my daughter and to keep our secret hidden" he says "so be it oh and Nocturna deal with that Pixie" I smile wickedly and I look at her she falls to the floor in pain than she stops moving I say "fire burn thy dead body on the floor" and Alice's body gets turned to Ash. Everyone smiles at me. I see my mother talking to the Uncles I go to there thrones and bow. "Isa what is it?" My mother asks using my old nickname "Mother...I just saw V-V-Victoria" the Cullen's all growl My mother speaks "Isa who is this Victoria?" "When I was human the Cullen's took me to the field when I was with A-Ali...your true mate she used me for my blood....well Eddy here killed James Vicky's now she has been out to kill me ever since than..." Jane hisses loudly I say "Janie all will be well okay." "Yes Isa" I smile and hug her than I growl as the war Goddess comes out. The Cullen's can see it's not me.

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