Chapter 3

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We are so tired making the project..Jimin and I was so sleepy..But it was late now so I decided to let him sleep here but not in my room in the couch instead..

Therefore, I was still confused about what he said . Thinking about it makes my heart skipped a beat..I was really happy but Idk if he really mean it though.

Saturday morning

I woke up early because i wanna see Jimin sleeping but after refreshing my self and do the morning routine , I walk downstairs to make a breakfast for us too..

I saw an sleeping angel whom is my bestfriend Jimin.. He is so cute while sleeping i let out a chuckle and take my phone to take a picture for this moment ..

Suddenly he got awakened by the sound of clicking the button of capture ..I hid my phone and ran to the kitchen..

Jimin's POV

I was awakened by the click/capture sound and I saw Y/N ran away from me to the kitchen ..

 Well, seeing her makes me happy but i was confused what she is doing and i realized it after..

I stood up and followed her to the kitchen. I saw her cooking something i back hugged her then i whispered at her ears..

"Good morning babe..", She was shook at my actions and i saw her cheeks turn red ..and it was literally cute ..

I pinched her cheeks because she was so cute but she is still speechless because of me and i walk away with a wide smile on my lips..

*Time skipped*

Jimin wave goodbye to me.. I thought he was literally leaving like a while ago then he stopped walking and rans back to me and kissed me on my cheek..

 Oh my goodness! What is the meaning of that! I feel really happy but suddenly a questions goes to my mind .. What if it is only a friendly kiss? What if I was just assuming that he loves me back ?

Ugh!! I stop thinking about that questions and just remembering when his very soft lips touch my cheeks !! Oh my gosh !! Feels like heaven!!

*In Night*

I still can't sleep because of what just happened earlier .. I think i really like him but im afraid that he does'nt like me back so i will just hide all my feeling in the mean time...

*Time skipped*

I am going to school now and i bring the project with me .. Me and Jimin worked hard for this so we must have something back like a high grade for this..

I entered the classroom and i saw Jimin approaching to me I was literally blushing ..

"Hi Y/N !! He greeted me with a smile and sitted beside me.. "Oh Hi Jimin!" I replied with a smile too.

"Did you bring our project with you?" ,He asked me. "Yes i did", i grinned at him..

"Good babe", he said and he was shook to his words.." Ugh i mean Y/N", he stuttered..You gave Jimin a confused face and he change the topic...

*time skipped*

Babe again?! Ugh Jiminie Stob itt!!😅😆
Sorry for anything !😊

Keep reading!!

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