Chapter 4

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In lunch time i was only playing my phone and not eating something ..I felt a guy sitted beside me i look at him and it was Jimin..

He suddenly tickles me so i will stop playing on my phone but that does'nt bother me .. So i kept on playing..

After that , He reached my phone and quickly grabbed it " Hey Jimin!! Give my phone back", I said when i was trying to reach my phone but it was high because i was a small girl and he is a tall guy.. but i kept on struggling to get my phone ..

He suddenly slipped because the floor was totally slippery .. And I landed on him and accidentally kissed each other ....

Jimin did'nt put his lips away even though he notice maybe he was shook too ...


Y/N was so shook to Jimin's actions but she could'nt kiss back because Jimin will know that she loves him.Y/N pushed Jimin away from her...

"I'm sorry!", he said.
"It's ok .. ughm gotta go in class now..bye! I said while I ran away..


Y/N runs away from jimin ... but Jimin has wide cute smile on his lips...

Jimin's POV

W-what just happened ?! My lips touch hers ... Her lips was so soft and sweet ..I don't know why I feel this ..

Unfortunately, I can't confess because she must be seeing me as a bestfriend not anything else..

After school

I want to go to Y/N my bestfriend because I miss her a lot ..I wanna see her always..


Then Jimin knocked on the door and it opened revealing Y/N who has a monthly period so she is not in mood to talk to Jimin...


"What are you doing here!",she whisper-yelled."Nothing i just want to see you",he said while smiling.

"Do you want to come in?" I said to him. "Of course !" He said then he enters my house..

Jimin's POV

I visited her because i really want to see her. But i felt she is not happy to see me.. I don't know what is happening to her..

When Y/N turns back and i saw something in her shorts .Maybe she was on her period.

"Babe you got something on your shorts..Go to the bathroom..", I quickly told her..She quickly ran to the bathroom without saying anything to me.

So that is the reason she is not in mood..I must show her that I care for her..

I quickly ran to the bathroom and changed my clothes..I'm doing the usual routine..I am so embarassed..

"Ugh!!", i yelled at myself.Well, he is my bestfriend ..I tried to calm myself down.

After I finished changing, I ran back to the living room but Jimin is not there..I think he probably go home now..

I sit in the couch then i smell something delicious like a soup..
I ran to the kitchen.

I was shook a guy figure is in there cooking. It was my bestfriend Jimin.

"What are you doing here?!", I yelled at him.He just smiled at me then hugged me..

"Babe ,I am taking care of you.",He said while hugging me..I was speechless but i need to spit some words right now..

I broke the hug and yelled at him "Why do you always call me babe?!", He just smirked at me..

Jimin's POV

I hugged her and I know i mus'nt tease her but she was so cute when she is mad . But when I call her babe i really meant it because I really really love her...

*time skipped after we ate*


We are on the couch watching some k-drama..I suddenly fell asleep..Im still suffering pain because of my period.. so i really can't sleep..

I felt Jimin covers me with a blanket and then patted my lowered back so that it will reduce pain and I can sleep...

I felt Jimin's hand on my lowered back ..How sweet !! He patted my back untill I finally slept.

*time skipped*

I woke up with something on my waist and his hands is still in my lowered back so i realized maybe he is so tired..

I smile widely at him while he is sleeping .."That's the reason why i love you babe!" I whispered at him.

I got up from the couch because i will do my usual routine and make some breakfast for us.

Jimin's POV

I am still half-awakened so i can hear or feel what my bestfriend do but suddenly i think she is smiling at me.

I think she just stared me and then she says"That's the reason why i love you babe!"....

Omo ;) guess what will happened next :P ...

Secretly Inlove with My Bestfriend (Jimin FF)Where stories live. Discover now