I walk into my house to find my Grandfather staring at me.
"Why are you home so late?"He yelled,his voice booming."Huh,Leo?Where you been?"
I think of a quick lie.But before I can respond,I'm hit with a switch.I fall on the floor,and Grandma runs into the living room.
"Carl,stop right now!,"she wheezed.
"Carl,stop,"Grandma says to Grandfather.I get up and ran up the stairs,but Grandfather yells,
I do as I'm told.
+ + +
The next day,I get on the bus with my friend Erin.
"Hey,Leo.Tough morning?" he asks."I heard your screams."
I can't show Erin my welts or tell him what my grandfather does to me.
"Well,I'm gonna go to Dauntless,& Shaheed is going to Erudite,"I tell Erin."I would go to Candor,but my grandparents will never visit me."
"Well,you go to Dauntless,& I'll visit you after initiation.Unless I don't get into ---"
"Don't say that,"I tell him.sitting forward."You'll get through it.I know you will."I sit back and fall asleep,waiting to go to school.