I walk home,then run,then sprint,thinking about my test results and what faction I should choose.As I sprint,I let my jacket slip off my shoulders and into the breeze.I'll get that later.I have a spare jacket in my backpack.But now I'm deciding what faction I'll choose.
Dauntless,Candor,Abnegation,Erudite.But I am Convergent.And nobody can know.But which shall I choose?
+ + +
15 minutes later,for some reason,I'm in a factionless house.And I see fire inside.So I walk inside to find a man roasting a marshmallow on a stick.
When he spots me,he throws the marshmallow at me and it sinks into my arm,putting a welt there.I stomp the marshmallow as the factionless man pulls out a gun from his pocket,firing.
I dodge the bullets and dive outside.
That man must've had a bad day,I think.
I slip on my jacket and then I sprint into the Abnegation sector.
+ + +
When I get home,Grandfather scowls me for being 'self-indulgent and taking too long to get home.
"Do you know how self-righteous you are?!"Grandfather yells as he hits me in the jaw.I scream as a switch meets my back.
"The choosing ceremony,Carl!"Grandma yells."This is what causes transfers!"
Grandfather stops and stares at me."What faction did you get?"
Grandfather drops the switch and punches me in the nose.I fall,clutching it.
"You will choose Abnegation and that is that!"he yells before slamming me into a wall."Now go make dinner!"