Chapter 1

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Fate. It is believed to be inescapable. No matter how much one tries to change the course of their life, fate will rear it's ugly head and make you question whether this is all worth it. Whether all those restless nights you spent studying mattered, whether getting an extra hour of practice would've made a difference, or whether we have a choice in the way our lives turn out. Was it fate that led me to these extraordinary individuals, or was it just a mere coincidence? Was it my destiny to face the trials I have faced and overcome with these people, these people I have grown to call my friends, who I see as family? The answer to those questions are not yet known to me, for all I know is that those that I love may possibly be ripped away from me. All because of one careless decision. But I'm getting ahead of myself, it's best to start at the beginning. At our beginning.

It was a typical, dreary Monday morning in the bustling city of Chicago when it all started. I had been on my way to my English class when I got the life altering call, but once again I'm getting ahead of myself.

I woke up that morning the same as I do every morning, dreading school, but there was something different about this particular Monday. Something off. I woke up with this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something awe inspiring would happen today but I didn't get my hopes up. It was a Monday after all, nothing ever happens on a Monday........ Boy was I wrong.

I stuck to my routine as always. I showered, brushed my teeth, and dressed myself. Today my attire consisted of a plain white t-shirt, a jean jacket hoodie, a pair of black jogger sweatpants, and my worn out converse. I rushed out of our quaint apartment and out out building to catch the number 7 bus to get to school. I'm only 17 so of course I'm still in high school but it's my senior year so that makes up for it.

After arriving at school you can say I was not amused. First I was stuck sitting next to a man on the bus who smelled like he hadn't showered in about three days, no I am not exaggerating. He literally smelled that bad. Then I stepped on a puddle while getting off the bus, I mean I get that my converse weren't in the best condition but still, they were my favorite pair. As you can tell, I wasn't having a good day and I had yet to make it to my first class. Which just so happened to be English.

"Nikko! Nikko, can you hear me?" It took me a second to realize it was coming from my Bluetooth.

"What? What is it Shania? This better be good." I said, not feeling like being bothered in the slightest.

I was a bit peeved when I got the call from Shania, she knows my school work always comes first, but something about this feels different. Shania wouldn't call during school hours unless it was an emergency. Something was definitely up.

"You know that new, all boys school that you refused to let me get you into?" She frantically asked me, as if she was in a rush.

"Westview? The one that I said is strictly for preppy boys and I wouldn't be caught dead there?" I asked, not entirely sure where she was going with this.

"Yeah yeah, that one, well the building is on fire." "And? How is that my problem? Let the fire department handle that." "That's the thing," she exclaimed, "it's not a normal fire."

Now that caught my attention. "What do you mean it's not normal?" "Well," she started, "it's almost as if it were created by a person. A person like us."

Well that was unexpected. See Shania and I are not what you would consider "normal," some people tend to call people like us "freaks." I just think those people are misinformed. We are one of those rare few that were born with a special genetic mutation. This mutation causes individuals to gain certain abilities. Shania, for example, has extrasensory perception or in other words, telepathy/telekineses. I, on the other hand, have a more complicated set of abilities. I am capable of manipulating light and dark matter per say.

"Say no more, I'm on my way." With that I left the building and headed to Westview.


To say the scenario at Westview was hectic would be an understatement. There were parents frantically searching for their sons, boys hacking up their lungs, firemen shouting orders, and policemen trying to calm the gathering crowd. It was pure luck that I was able to sneak around to the back of the smoking building where Shania messaged me to meet her at.

After giving me a brief rundown of the situation Shania led me inside the building to where she could sense the person that was starting the flames. It was difficult to see through the fumes and the heat was starting to become unbearable.

"We have to hurry Shania, I don't know how much more of this heat I can take!" I exclaimed, starting to wheeze and feeling my lungs starting to constrict. "Don't worry, we're almost there," Shania reassured me as she led me to a wall, "there, he should be beyond this wall." I placed my palms against the wall, feeling the intense heat radiating off said wall. I focused all my energy into my palms and released a blast of white light that caused the wall to fall apart.

There in the center of the flames was a boy about our age. He seemed to be having a panic attack, and honestly calming people down is not my specialty. I'm just here to make sure Shania doesn't get hurt.

After Shania was able to work her magic and the boy fainted I carried him out and we took him to the treehouse located in the back of her home. She lives in the urban area where there are actual trees.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Shania?"

"I don't know Nikko but we couldn't just leave him there, we have to give him a chance." She pleaded.

I stared blankly at her then glanced at the boy. He looked peaceful in his sleep. A huge contrast from the boy that was previously panicking and setting his entire school ablaze.

"Alright I trust you. I just hope you know what we're getting ourselves into."

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