Chapter 3

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Skye's POV

I've always been a loner, so when my mom told me that we were moving to a big city it sounded like hell. Having to be around a bunch of new people, in a new place, and at a new school just didn't sound appealing to me for some reason. I'm not alone because I'm weird and I wasn't born with some crazy deformity to my body. I just tend to hate everyone. You see, the way I look at it is; everybody has a hidden agenda, whether they have good intentions or not doesn't matter to me. What matters is that you're deliberately hiding something from others. People are so fake. Anyways, the reason we moved is because apparently I'm an, and I quote, "An asshole who ruins everything good in his life.". At least that's what my dad told me when the divorce was finalized. My parents fought a lot, and most of the time it was over me. The reason they got divorced however was completely my dads fault. Long story short, my dad had an affair and I ratted him out so my mom cut his sorry ass out of our lives. I never really liked him anyways. Back to the story at hand though. Fast forward a few months and we're in the present.

I woke up at 6:00 a.m. as per usual and got ready for another day of excruciating pain and annoyance at the worst place in the entire world; school. After the summer of relocation I started my senior year of high school at Westview High, an all boys high school. I absolutely hate everyone here, especially my English teacher. Mr.Howard was one of those people who push you to the edge but is too scared to give you the final shove that would throw you over. So its just my luck that his class my first class of the day. As class goes on I become more and more uninterested in whatever the hell he's talking about, so I being the hilarious person that I am said "Um do you mind saying something that actually matters to us?". Its safe to say that he didn't think it was so funny. He responded "You know what Skye? Why don't you come up to the front of the class and tell us about the Frost poem that was assigned last night.". Shit. I seem to have dug myself into my proverbial grave. As I made my way to the front of the class the anxiety starts to set in. I've always hated public speaking. I don't like all of the attention. So there I was, in front of the class and I had nothing to say. All eyes watching me made me more nervous than being unprepared.

"Uh...The poet um...R-Robert Frost...was uh...trying to..." I was struggling and I couldn't think of a way to recover. "What's the problem Mr.Harrison?" I hate when he calls me by my last name. "You did the assignment, didn't you?". It felt like the temperature in the room started to rise. Before I knew it, it felt like the surface of the sun was inches away from my face. "What's that smell?" "It smells like smoke." "Is there a fire?!" everyone in the room started freaking out and that made my anxiety even worse. Before I realized what I was doing, I started walking towards the door; had to get out of here. "Where do you think you're going? You still haven't given your oral report!". In that moment I felt my rage bubble up to the point where I couldn't bite my tongue anymore. "Shut the hell up! If anyone really cared about what you said we'd actually listen to what you have to say! And if you're going to test my limits I would advise you no to.". When I said that the tacky decorations in the room caught fire all at once. Everyone practically flew away from me with horrified expressions on their faces. I was just as scared as they were. Now that all of the attention was back on me, the anxiety and fear all came rushing back. "Stop staring at me like I'm some sort of freak! It wasn't my fault!" I stepped forward but they all backed up even more. "Stop it! I'm not a circus act! Stop acting like that!". Right after I said that the ceiling caught fire and it was spreading faster and faster."Skye, whatever you're doing, make it stop now!" "I told you this isn't because of me!", I yelled. just then a pulse of flames bursted from my entire body and scroched everything. "Everyone get out of here!" Mr.Howard yelled over the roar of the fire. I tried to run out the door but my path was blocked. I ran and stood at the window to see if i could find a way out. I used every bit of strength I had to lift the window, but it was stuck. The heat was almost too much to bear and the fire was out of control at this point.

I rammed myself into the thin wall because it was as good a shot as any at this point. Feeling defeated I sank to the floor so I wouldn't breath in the smoke. When I finally heard fire trucks showing up I screamed for hlep. It seemed like the second I did, there was a powerful stream of water blasting through the very window I couldn't get open. I started feeling safer, until I noticed that the fire wasn't going out. And just like that the fear of dying sets back in and the fire becomes worse than ever. When the water stopped I figured that they were going to start again. But as I waited, there was no more water and I realized that I'm going to die in here. "I guess if I'm gonna die, ths is as good a pretty awsome way to go." I said only half-accepting my inevitable end. "No. I have to at least try to get out." I told myself.  When I stood up to go over to the window, part of the ceiling collapsed in front of me, blocking my only path to freedom from the blazing hot prison. I sat back down and hid my face in my knees and accepted my fate.

Just as i was wallowing in my own self pity, I heard a girls voice yell "In there!" just before a beam of bright light came crashing through the wall. When I looked up and the blinding light faded I saw two people. They looked like teenagers, but I couldn't make out their faces because of the smoke. All of a sudden I heard the girls voice, only it was crystal clear this time. Almost like it was in my head. "You need to calm down. You're emotions are making the fire worse" her voice was almost ethereal. "What are you talking about?! I didn't cause this fire!" I yelled In response "I'm gonna have to put him to sleep. He blocked me out." she said to the other person. "Hey, you're going to sleep for a little bit. Just relax and let it happen." She said to me, and before I had time to think about it everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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