1. The Player

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For Vintage_Chicc
This took way longer than it should have and I am so sorry. Also forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes😂 But I hope you love it.

*Imani's POV*

I caught his eyes time after time throughout the rehearsals. I was a bit hesitant to pay him any attention but I couldn't help it. I had my eyes on Miko for a while and I knew he had eyes for me ever since we had met. He was handsome, quiet, was crazy talented and had an amazing body. Sometimes he would remove his shirt for rehearsal or for a show and I couldn't help but look. He had my attention from day one. And one day through the whole rehearsal I kept grinning at him. I knew he was going to make his move that day, and I invited him to. After all, I had been waiting for him to make the move for quite a while.

"Stop!" Princes voice was barely audible over the music but his waving hands and disapproving facial expressions were enough to make everyone stop in their tracks. "Lets take a break." I could see Prince eyeing me very intently as he took a sip from his class of water. And of course as his best friend I knew he was upset with me. But with what, only God knew.

"Imani," Miko smiled and made his way to where I sat against the speakers. I felt my heart melt hearing my name come from his lips. It never failed to make me smile.

"Hey," I said in a low voice. "You did great. Your doing great, I should say. You always do great in rehearsals." I remember scolding myself for saying great over and over again.

"Well, your always here for them so of course I have to give it my all."

Before we could talk any further, Prince jumped and sat right between us, partially wrapping his arms around both of us. "Y'all talking about the weather?" He asked in a peppy voice.

"Prince," I elbowed him and harshly whispered. He ignored me and kept on his stupid little act. He was trying to embarrass me.

"What? I'm just as concerned about the rain as you two are. Say Miko, how did that date with that model go last week end?"

Miko sighed softly and carefully eyed Prince. He then looked to me giving me a small smile. "I'm going go get some water." He announced and stood to his feet. Prince looked at me, a smug grin on his lips. What a cocky bastard.

"You can't be serious." Prince scuffed as he followed me into the makeup room away from the set. I slammed everything I got my hands on, so annoyed at Prince that I couldn't see straight.

"I'm very serious."

"Miko is a player, Imani. He isn't good for you."

"And you think you know what's good for me?!" I shouted. He was taken back by my sudden out burst but he didn't move from his stance, hands on his hips and his shoulders back. "You only think about yourself."

"You need to be with someone who will be loyal," he ignored what I had just told him. "Someone to treat you're gold."

"Prince, you really need to mind your own business." I shook my head.

"I'm looking out for you."

"I can look out for myself! I'm also capable of making my own choices and those choices also happen to not need your approval."

"Imani, you don't understand-"

"Why can't you just be happy for me?" He didn't know how to answer this. He didn't even know how to make himself happy and it pissed him off to see someone else enjoying life because he couldn't be happy. He didn't even know how to be happy for me. After what seemed like an hour of silence between us, I grabbed my things and shoved them into my bag and tossed it over my shoulder. I wasn't going to let him control my love life as if it were his business.

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