"truth or dare" - one

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"What will it be sweet Vivian? Truth, you have to tell all of us who you are crushing on so bad or dare, go and kiss your best friends father"

Earlier that day

Vivian rushed to school quicker than normal, her best friend had called her explaining how she had some exciting news that Vivian just had to know.

She was greeted at the school gates by a very over-excited best friend, "Viv finally, what the hell took you so long"

Vivian looked down at her watch, a confused look appearing on her face. "Adina, its 7:30am, i'm here half an hour earlier than i usually am"

"Yeah, yeah whatever" Adina hooked her arm through Vivian's, "Anyway, my father told me this morning that hes going on a business trip this weekend so i had the perfect plan, i was thinking that you could come over and-"

Vivian rolled her eyes, cutting her off "I stay over every weekend, whats going to be so different"

"That's what i was getting to, i was thinking that we should invite Sarah and the other girls over"

This made Vivian stop in her tracks, Sarah wasn't someone that she really got along with, not to mention Vivian had a huge crush on her boyfriend. Of course, that was before him and Sarah got together but the feelings was still there. Sarah found out about this and basically tortured Vivian about it all last year.

"Wait, no what the hell, why would you invite Sarah?" Vivian asked.

"Because Viv, its our last year in high school, i wanna make memories, i want to have fun, i want to get my first boyfriend, i want to go to my first party, i am not going to be able to do that if we just stay home every weekend"

"Yeah and i get that Adina, but how is inviting Sarah going to help?"

"Because shes the most popular girl in school, if we start hanging around with her then those things can happen"

"It can happen without her, and whats wrong with it just being me and you? I dont need anyone else"

"I know Viv, neither do i but come on. Just do this for me, just this one weekend"

"Fine, how do you even know they will come?" Vivian asked, hoping that they wouldn't.

"Oh please, a free house and free alcohol, she wouldn't be able to turn it down, just let me worry about that"

Vivian gladly complied and decided to get on with her day as normal until lunch time when Adina informed her that Sarah and some friends would be coming over on the weekend, then she went on with the rest of the day with a sick feeling in her stomach.


Vivian had never seen her best friend so excited before.

Rocco, Adina's father had just left for his business trip and now they was waiting for Sarah and her friends to come over.

"Do you think this will be enough?" Adina asked, holding two bottles of vodka that she had stolen from her fathers office

"More than enough, you know if your father finds out that you have stolen that-"

"It will be fine stop worrying" Adina cut her off and rushed over to the mirror to adjust the dress she had put on.

Vivian watched her best friend, she was acting really different. Normally they would spend the whole weekend watching movies in their pyjamas and now she was acting different all to impress a bunch of girls who had no intention of being her friend.

The sound of the doorbell broke Vivian's train of thought, they was here.


The night was going as expected so far.

It had only been a couple of hours and Vivian was only half way through her cup of vodka and coke whilst Adina was on her third and spent the last hour fake laughing at anything Sarah said, even when she would make her stupid remarks towards Vivian.

A noise came from downstairs and turns out that Rocco's business trip had been cancelled. Adina assured the other girls that her father wouldn't mind them being there, but Vivian knew she would be in so much trouble when they had left.

Just when Vivian felt like she couldn't feel anymore uncomfortable, Sarah decided that she wanted to play a game of truth or dare.

After some awkward truth and dares, it was now Vivian's turn. She knew that Sarah would ask something to make her feel even more uncomfortable just for her own entertainment.

"Truth or dare?" Bethany, one of Sarah's friends, asked.

"Truth, i guess"

"Oh i have the perfect one" Sarah spoke up, giving her friends the side-eye. Vivian didn't know what was coming but she definitely wasn't looking forward to it.

"Tell us all who your crush is"

There it was, Sarah knew exactly who Vivian was crushing on. In fact she bullied her for it for almost a year just because she was crushing on the same person, in the end of course she was the one who ended up with him.

Vivian knew she couldn't say who she was crushing on, "Wow, such a creative question" Vivian said under her breath but loud enough to be heard, "How about lets make this more fun, dare"

"Even better" Sarah replied, "I dare you to kiss Adina's father"

Vivian almost spat out her drink, "What? No way, that's so weird" Vivian looked over at Adina expecting her to speak up and agree with her but she just put her head down, avoiding eye contact. "Adina, tell her no, i am not kissing your father"

"You said you wanted to make this more fun so that's what i did" Sarah said, she was loving every moment of this.

"Viv, stop complaining all the time, gosh you are so not fun" Adina said, a smile appearing on her face when all the other girls laughed at her comment.

"So you really want me to kiss your father? What is wrong with you?"

"Then i guess you have to tell us your crush" Dani spoke up, the other girl who came with Sarah.

"No, i am not doing any of them"

"You have to do one, truth or dare" Bethany said.

"What will it be sweet Vivian? Truth, you have to tell all of us who you are crushing on so bad or dare, go and kiss your best friends father"

Vivian couldn't actually believe they was asking her to do this, but even more, she couldn't believe Adina was allowing this.

If this is how she was going to act from now on then she didn't want to hang around with her anymore. Vivian knew none of the girls believed she would actually kiss her best friends father, so she was about to prove them wrong.

Vivian stood up and walked out of the room, all of the girls jumped up to follow and watch to make sure she actually did it, all but Adina.

They had heard him come up stairs earlier on so Vivian knew he was in bed, probably sleeping so that's where she headed.

She entered his room, and he was sleeping peacefully in his bed. Was she really about to do this? All to prove a bunch of girls wrong?

"Go on, do it" Sarah whispered.

Vivian walked over to his bed next to where he was sleeping trying her hardest not to wake him.

Maybe i could just kiss him on his cheek, that's still a kiss right? Vivian thought.

Just as she bent down, the floor board creaked and Rocco slowly opened his eyes, a little startled.

"Jesus you scared me" Rocco spoke, "wait Vivian, is that you?"

Vivian wanted to turn back, but it was too late. She was here now, it was now or never.

"I'm sorry" she said, then crashed her lips onto his.

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