"this took an unexpected turn" - four

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Vivian's POV

At that moment in time, as soon as those words left his lips I wanted the ground to swallow me up.

I spent the next 30 seconds trying to explain myself, starting sentences but unable to finish them until I gave up and could no longer look him in the eye.

I felt his hand on my chin, they felt rough against my soft skin but it was a feeling I could get used to.

He lifted my face so I was looking where I least wanted to right now, in his eyes.

"Don't worry about it ok, just never do something like that again" he said softly.

I expected him to be more mad about it, to shout at me or something but instead he comforted me.

"Im really sorry, I didn't want to its just that-" I was cut off from the door opening.

Adina walked in and looked at us both, a confused look mixed with anger appeared on her face.

Rocco pulled his hand away from my face and moved over, I hadn't realised how close we was.

This must have looked really bad, that explains the angry look which was displayed on Adina's face.

"What is going on?" she asked, stepping inside the room.

"Where the hell have you been?" Rocco asked whilst standing and storming over to her.

"I was out with my friends" She dragged out the word friends and made sure to look at me whilst doing it, "but it looks like I came back at the right moment"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Rocco asked, but I knew exactly what she meant.

Silence filled the air, not to mention awkward silence. "Adina, can we talk?" I said, breaking it.

She looked away from her father and adverted her eyes on to me, without saying anything she stormed off to her bedroom.

"Where the hell do you think your going? You better tell me where you have been" Rocco shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

I got up and started walking up the stairs to follow her but Rocco grabbed my arm.

Not the best time to start feeling shivers all throughout my body, and I was talking about the good kind.

I placed my hand over his that held my arm, "It will be fine, ill talk to her"

He replied only with a nod and I gave him a small smile before walking up the rest of the stairs.

I reached her bedroom door but hesitated, I had no idea what I was going to say to her but I was just going to go along with it.

"Adina" I called before opening the door, "look im really sorry about what happened, I really am but just please talk to me"

"Your the one that's sorry? I should be sorry, im the one that has been acting like a bad friend" a tear fell from her eye.

This took an unexpected turn.

"I just wanted to be popular, I just wanted to be noticed" she was now full on crying, any bad blood that was between us was gone.

She might have acted like a bad friend but people make mistakes and right now all I was seeing was my best friend, a friend who needed me and I was going to be there for her.

I wrapped my arms around her, engulfing her in a hug which she returned, "Its ok, we can forget about it and move on"

She pulled away, "I want you to come over again on the weekend, just me and you"

"Promise?" I asked.

"I promise"


The rest of the week went by fast.

I had hardly thought about Adina's father, probably because I spent the whole week with her.

She had told me about when she skipped school with Sarah and the others.

The had spent the day at the mall, and Adina found out that they liked to shoplift in their spare time.

She told me about how they would steal sunglasses, scarfs, clothes, basically things that they didn't need but just did for fun and that's what made Adina come to her senses.

Adina made up some excuse to tell Sarah and the girls why she couldn't hang out this weekend when in reality all we was going to do is watch Netflix.

That's what we was currently doing now, well should I say what i was doing.

Adina had fallen asleep half way into the movie that was playing.

I looked at the time on my phone and it read 11:48pm.

I decided to go downstairs for a drink, it was dark and I couldn't really see where I was going but there was a light coming from the kitchen.

When I walked in I was not expecting to see a shirtless Rocco.

❤️812 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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