Chp 1

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You-Y/N [Your Name]
[any other character associated with the story will be revelead soon]

CHP-1   It all started with a stare.
You woke up feeling the sun rays falling on your eyelids , You opend your eyes. Cuddled for minutes, squeezing the shit of your teddy bear.
Until you came into your senses that you are already late for school and you being a topper, were never late.
But today you woke up late as you were watching Kdrama all night.
You jumped off your bed and ran to the wash room.

●Time Skip●

As you were walking, you felt someone walking behind you , You truned to look back and the person you saw was Jungkook.
Your P.O.V
°Oh mannn Not him again. He is the guy who is always late to the class yet studies really well. Though girls might find him attractive [me too!] ..but I cant ignore his arrogant face .

•end of P.O.V•

"Y/N wait, is that you?"
He tapped on your shoulder making a confused face. and with in a fraction of second he started laughing, holding his stomach over exaggerating the fact "Teacher's pet is late!".
You just glared at him.
"Omg I am scared" -jk
"What do you want jk , I am already late"-Y/N
"Well I want nothing"-Jk
"Okay bye"-Y/N
you started to walk , just then he pulled you towards him with a lot of force that you both fell and you ended up sitting on his lap.The current position you were in wasn't romantic at all insted you guys look like a monkeys trying out new yoga pose.
You got up , trying to act angry when you are actually blushing and then you ran off to your class.
You reached the class door, hesitating to open it as the teacher was already there. Jungkook stood beside you and confidently opened the class door while you walked behind him almost hiding your face as it is really embarrassing. The teacher said "Jungkook , Detention today!"
Right after that jungkook glanced at you with his evil smirk and then told the teacher
"Y/N is late too, isnt it unfair that only I get punished all the time"
"Okay You both , Detention today!"
You were really sad since you never got detention, also your seat was taken you had to sit at the back beside jungkook.
He sat near the window and you sat beside him. He kept looking out,
"oh wait, is he humming ?"
he actually looked beautiful humming a song, I never heard him singing but people say he has a really soothing voice , I guess he does.
You looked how the sunlight from the windowns fell on his eyes making them twinkle like the stars.

You just realised you have been staring for too long and started to pay attention to the teacher

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You just realised you have been staring for too long and started to pay attention to the teacher.

•end of P.O.V•

●Time skips●
You sat on the first bench while Jungkook sat on the last.
You pretending to read the novel you have in your hands while he keeps hitting the bench for no reason.
Just then he got up and sat next to you .
You again ignoring him.
He said
"Y/N" "Y/N" ×300000 times and then you finally get irritated and asked him
and all he replied was

 He said "Y/N" "Y/N" ×300000 times and then you finally get irritated and asked him "WHATTTTTT ?!!!"and all he replied was "HI"

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acting as if he is surrounded by his millions of fans .
You just laughed though you were irritated, you thought it was cute.
●Time skip [ a month ]
He kept irritating you, he enjoys it but sometimes when he irritates you way to much, He instantly apologizes.
He is weird yet cute.
Oh wait did I just praise him?
No way..🤦🏻‍♀️
I cant be...

falling for him.

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