Chp 18

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Jungkook's P.O.V•
I was back at home, crying.
Tae Hyung and Jin Hyung asked me a lot about it. I end up saying them everything.
"Wahhh Jungkook...." Both Jin and Taehyung were shocked
"Hyung I want her back"-Jungkook
" wait you said you met her already, how didn't she recognize you? " -Jin asked.
"Hmmm... I wore a mask"-Jungkook

Taehyung and Jin leaned towards my ear

" Nice idea, I'ma get Y/N back to me"-Jungkook

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" Nice idea, I'ma get Y/N back to me"-Jungkook

I wore my mask, totally hiding my face. I exactly know where she will be this time.

end of p.o.v•

•Y/N's P.O.V•
I was in the balcony with Jeong-wu, Jungseok while Becca held Jaehyun.
I suddenly heard a deep voice calling me.

"Rapunzel let down your hair!"
I looked down to find Eye starting contest guy waiting for me while waving his hands.
I chuckled at his cuteness and came down with all the three babies in a pram, cause I knew he would ask for a walk.

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