Chapter 1

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Note: Luna lovegood is in your year...don't ask, it'll work. I also used a few friends as characters.


Carefully, I placed my luggage onto the dark, living room floor before throwing my long, distinguishable pastel blue locks into a high ponytail with a black bobble. It was my first day at Hogwarts, so I had to look somewhat presentable. However, I was also about to travel. So I wore a loose, thin blouse with black skinny jeans and doc martens.

As I placed my black cat, lunar, into a carrier - every witch has a cat, (right?) - my father walked in. I was unusual, per say, my father is a wizard but my mother is a muggle, making me technically half muggle. "Are you all ready?" he asked with a smile.
"Ready as I'll ever be."

- - - -

I won't lie, it's kind of weird running straight into a wall. But, alas, I was on the train. I had scoped out the cart for awhile before deciding I'd see if I could sit with a small, ginger haired boy and a slightly taller brunette with glasses. Politely, I knocked on the door before opening it, "Hey! Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked with as friendly a smile I could muster at 8 in the morning. The ginger replied, "Of course."
Awkwardly, I sat beside him, reaching out my hand "Y/N, and you?"
"Ron. Ron Weasley." He smiled. "I'm Harry." The other responded.
"Harry Potter?" I ask, not sure if what I thought was a scar, was indeed a scar. He nodded.

Just as I took out my sketchbook a Trolly Lady came along, "Would you three like anything?" She asked sweetly. Ron shook his head, motioning to a sandwich, "I'm good." However, Harry said, "We'll  take the lot."
"The lot?!" I asked in shock. He simply nodded.

Moments later we had a mountain of sweets on our table. "Harry... you'd think you'd have never had a sweet before..." I sighed with a chuckle. Harry shrugged, "That's not far from the truth." I took a small toffee from the pile. As I unwrapped it from the vibrant packaging, a wavy haired brunette opened the door, "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy's lost his." I looked away from Lunar, who sat contently on my lap. "No, sorry." I then added, "Nice to see you though Hermione."
She smiled "Glad someone I know is going to Hogwarts."

_le skip cos everyone knows that scene_

I walked into the lit up hall beside Hermione. Reluctantly, I followed her past all the house tables to the front of the horde of first years. We stared up at the stand, anxiously waiting for out names to be called. Uncomfortably, I shuffled in my spot from the nerves.

Hermione was called first, she mumbled something to herself. "Mental that one." I heard Ron say. Before turning back to face the front, I shot him a death glare. Then the sorting hat spoke, "Hmmm bright then...bright..." It continued thinking before speaking again, "Gryffindor!" The whole of the Gryffindor table cheered. Just my luck that my only friend is sorted into Gryffindor. Everyone in my family had been a Ravenclaw, except for my grandmother who was a Hufflepuff. "Draco Malfoy." Professor McGonagall called. A bleach blonde haired boy stood up and before the hat even touched his head it yelled, "Slytherin."
Slytherin cheered as the boy had a smirk plastered on his face. Why are all the cute ones a Slytherin? A few people went on before Ron was called. "Good luck." I whispered. "I'll need it." He replied, making me chuckle. "Ha!" The hat spoke. I jumped in surprise at how loud it was. "Another Weasley. I know just what to do with you... " I gulped. Totally not a kinda creepy thing to say to a kid. "Gryffindor!" Great. Another friend gone. Harry will most likely be a Gryffindor, leaving me alone. "Y/N Hawthorn!" I gulped as I sat down nervously in the chair. The old looking hat mumbled something I could barely hear before saying, "Ravenclaw!" The Ravenclaw table cheered happily, as least narcissitically as possible I assume it is because my family is well known for many things. I sat beside a girl, Luna I believe her name was, she was called up not long before me. "Hello." She said softly and kindly. With a little smile I replied back, "Hi." As Harry was called up Dumbledore sat up, obviously anxious or eager to see where the famous boy would go, it was hard to read his face. Once again, the hat spoke, "Hmm, difficult, difficult... plenty of courage I see, a good mind too. There's talent and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?" it asked. Why was it taking so long? Harry was obviously mumbling something under his breath, which soon becoming apparent to everyone. It continued, "Not slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great you know, it's all here in your head and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No? Well if you're sure... better be... Gryffindor!" The whole table stood up and cheered as Harry's face lit up, obviously the house he wanted. Dumbledore seemed pleased with that choice. He walked over and was greeted by many older years. Hopefully I'll make some friends in Ravenclaw so I'm not totally alone in class or the common room.


I sat on my dark blue bed, staring at the ceiling. "Are you happy with your house?" Luna asked kindly. She sat on her bed which happened to be beside mine. We managed to get the room with only a few people in; Luna Lovegood, Robin Elderberry, Kelsie Shaw and me. Kelsie and Robin came from the muggle world like me. So I was quite happy with my room. After a moment I replied, "Yeah, I'd say it's the one I hoped for.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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