Episode 2 first impressions pt 2

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3rd Person view

AJ's feet had tripped still holding onto the rope Roman pulled his end up lifting AJ so she could regain control on the tight rope. She stepped one foot as it wobbled she she held on to her rope for stability. Once the tight rope stopped moving She added her other foot to and she was still in it.

Roman's POV

3rd Person view

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3rd Person view

AJ side stepped the tight rope she held a firm grip to the rope to hold on to and walked across to the finish point. TJ blew the horn to signal the finish.


3rd Person view

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3rd Person view

Next up was team Enzo and Nikki Against team  Seth and Alicia. They got set up with and rigged up to safety cables and waited for TJ to blow the horn.

"Nikki listen to me and we'll get through this baby" Enzo encouraged

Nikki's POV

3rd Person view

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3rd Person view

PEEEEEEEP went TJ Lavin's air horn as both teams were off Alicia Fox's tall frame strutted across the tight rope like it was a cat walk. Nikki and Enzo were struggling Nikki was trying to get her balance.

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