Episode 3 Truth or dare

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The cast got back to the house after the elimination adrenaline was still radiating off of Natalya and Dolph.

Natalya's POV

3rd Person view

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3rd Person view

Corey Dolph Enzo and the Uso Twins were all in one room

"Guys the girls in this house are crazy hot even Nattie I say we try and get some action crack open some beers slam some shots and play truth or dare" Dolph suggested.

Dolph's POV

3rd Person view

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3rd Person view

"I'm down but don't any of yal be coming for Naomi" Jimmy demanded jokingly

The guys gathered the whole cast outside on the deck the cast put some differences aside to have a nice group party. Drinks were poured beers were open the night was about to get crazy

"Alright nattie let's see how freaky you are truth or dare" Jey asked

"Truth" she responded

"Alright if you had to have a threesome with any two cast members who'd it be" jimmy asked.

Nattie's face got red at the question

"Oh my god I can't say that" she squealed

"Come on don't be boring" Corey yelled.

"Fine fine if I had to gun to my head I guess I'd chose Roman and Dolph" she confessed covering her face in Shame "I'm sorry TJ" she added as every one laughed.

"Nattie I think we can make that happen" dolph joked making Natalya blush more.

"Alright Nattie your turn" Corey told

"Alright Corey truth or dare" she asked Corey who sat next to Dolph.

"Fuck it dare" Corey insisted

"I dare you to kiss the person to your left" she dared!

"Wait what?" Dolph questioned confused? "It's Corey's dare not mine" He added. As Corey grabbed Dolph's chin and gave him a quick peck on the lips shutting him up. Dolph wiped his lips

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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